Today we have a special guest post from Emily Watson, the Chief Creative Cat at, a cat information website. She’s the proud cat parent of two loving kitties. Find out what she’s up to next at!
Looking to improve your health? Eat right, exercise, get eight hours of sleep, and… own a cat? That’s right! Cats are walking health machines! You may not believe me, but I have proof to back it up. Here are ten ways a kitty can improve your health.
1. They Reduce Stress
Stress is something everyone has to deal with, and while some stress is fine, if not necessary, too much stress can lead to a slew of health problems. Some relieve stress through squeezable toys, and others work out. If you’re looking for an alternative way to relieve stress, a cat’s the way to go! Cats have been shown to reduce stress. Petting and watching your cat can increase serotonin, a feel-good chemical in your brain, while reducing the feel-bad chemical cortisol. Good to know!
2. They Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack
Heart disease is one of the number-one killers in the US, and if your family has a history of it, you should take all the measures needed to reduce your risk. As it turns out, owning a cat can reduce your chance of a heart attack. Seeing as how a cat reduces stress, which can cause heart attacks, this does make sense.
3. And, They Can Reduce Your Chance of Stroke
Own a cat? Your risk of having a stroke may be cut by one-third. The reason for this, as you probably know by now, is because cats can reduce your stress, anxiety, and blood pressure, which all can attribute to a stroke. While heart attacks are dangerous, a stroke can be debilitating. See if you’re at risk, take the proper measures to lower your chances of stroke, and get a cat. Their low maintenance can make the difference between having a stroke and not.
4. They Cheer You Up When You’re Upset
Sometimes, you need to cry. Whether you’re mourning about losing a loved one or breaking up with your date, you need to grieve. But too much grieving can be bad, and that’s where a cat comes in. A cat is a good grieving partner. It listens to you, it calms you down, and you’ll be able to feel better in no time flat.
5. They Encourage You to Exercise
If you’re looking for motivation to work out, get a cat! Cats need exercise to stay healthy, just like you, and you can think of ways to accomplish both you and your cat’s needs. You can walk your cat, or turn kitty into your own exercise partner. This makes working out, something that can be hard to get into for some, much more bearable. Grab your cat and try it out.
6. Cats are Mentally Stimulating
As you age, it’s important to keep your mind sharp. Cats, as it turns out, can be mentally stimulating. A cat does require some mental work, taking care of it and such, but the social aspect of your cat, AKA talking to it, can improve your mental well-being. Even if you’re young, you should always strive to improve your mind, and having a cat can keep you sharp as a tack. Your old self will thank you for it later down the road.
7. Cats Improve Your Immunity
A strong immune system is key if you want to fight off, and recover from, diseases. Cats, as it turns out, can play a key part in strengthening your immunity. The microbes, pet dander, and other things your cat’s exposed to can affect you, and this can cause your immunity to strengthen. If you have children, all the better! Your child’s immunity can get an amazing boost from staying around your cat!
8. Cats Teach You the Importance of Nutrition
While a human’s nutritional needs can be complex, a cat’s is even more so! Your cat will need a certain amount of calories and nutrition depending on its breed, age, and size. These good habits can bounce off you. You’ll soon realize the importance of your own nutritional needs, and make changes in your eating habits.
9. Cats Can Make You More Sociable With Others
Despite cats being associated with antisocial people, owning a cat can bring you closer to people. Just like dog owners bond over their pets, owning a cat can make you bond with other cat owners. You’ll be trading pet-care tips, letting your cats play with each other, and making friends with others. Want a conversation starter – try a French cat name!
And if you’re a single one of the sexiest thing you can do is own a cat. That’s right, men! Some women see cat ownership as a sign of emotional sensitivity and intelligence, which are some things women look for in a man.
10. They Make You Live Longer
Life comes with an expiration date. We all have to go sometime, but by living in good health, you can make your time later than sooner. All the above can increase your lifespan by quite a bit. And all that is thanks to owning a cat.
Of course, living longer is moot if you’re not physically and mentally sound. Thankfully, all the benefits above can make your mind sharp and your body limber for your age. By owning a cat, you can guarantee a long, eventful, and productive life.
So if you’re looking for a way to improve your health, why not get a cat? If you’re already a proud kitty parent, why not get another? A cat can improve your health in surprising ways, as you now know.
Of course, it’s not magic. You’ll still need to do stuff on your end to improve your health like eating right and exercising. But a cat can be a supplement to your healthy lifestyle. If that’s not the purrrrfect combo, I don’t know what is!
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