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Fawlty Towers Star Prunella Scales Adopts Rescue Cat

As Sybil Fawlty she provided temporary accommodations for guests at Fawlty Towers, and now the actress who starred in the classic Britcom has offered a permanent residence to a cat in need of a forever home. Actress Prunella Scales and her husband, veteran actor Timothy West (King Francis in the Drew Barrymore fairy tale Ever …

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Bob Barker Asks UVA to End Use of Cats in Training

For 35 years he received hugs from the contestants who rushed on stage to play The Price is Right, and although his days as a game show host are in the past Bob Barker is receiving virtual hugs from fans of felines for embracing the fight for animal rights.  Known for helping all of our …

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Using SureFlap to Control Feeding

You’ll remember a while back we posted about SureFlap and even ran a giveaway of this product that uses your cat’s microchip to unlock the cat door for him. Well, we just heard about another use for the SureFlap that’s of special interest to multi-cat families: using the SureFlap Microchip Cat Door to segregate feeding …

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Review: Neko Flies Cat Toys

Product: Neko Flies Cat Toys What It Is: interactive cat toys with teaser wands and interchangeable strings and toy attachments Manufacturer: Nekochan Enterprises (designed in Canada, made in China) CatTipper Review: Our Inca is a little hunter. She might be a strictly indoor cat but she has the soul of a mighty hunter and takes …

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