If you believe that all cats are independent, aloof creatures, you’re in for a surprise if you have or get yourself a Libra cat. Libras are the social butterflies of the feline world, and they love nothing more than being around their human companions. They’re also known for being the most playful and tricksy cats, so be prepared to have your patience tested regularly!
If you can handle a little bit of mischief and lots of love, a Libra cat is the perfect pet for you. This article will explore some of the key personality characteristics of Libra cats, so read on to learn more about these fascinating fur babies!

The Libra Cat’s Personality
The cat in Libra is part of the family, that’s for sure!
They will visit you at night when you are in REM, and like any self-respecting Libra cat, they will wake you up because they are curious about what you are dreaming about so intensely.
If you have a Libra cat, expect them to want to be involved in everything you do. They’ll follow you around the house, sit on your lap while you’re working, and be at your side whenever possible.
When you take refuge in the bathroom, the Libra cat will scratch at the door and explain in a meowing tone why you really need to let them in. If you’re sitting on the toilet, they’ll watch you closely for a while, then jump into your arms because family is family, and they’re there for you…
The Libra cat is caring
Libra cats always think of others and will do their best to make everyone comfortable, whether humans or other animals.
If there’s a new person in the house, the Libra cat will be the first to make them feel welcome by rubbing against their legs and purring loudly.
If there’s another animal in the house, the Libra cat will be their friend and protector, always ready to stand up for them if they need it.
Libra cats have a strong sense of justice, and although they tend to avoid any form of conflict, they won’t hesitate to show their claws and fierce meow against the dog that doesn’t know its place.
The Libra cat is tricky
Libra cats are caring and loving, but they can also be a little bit manipulative.
They know how to get what they want and are not afraid to use their cuteness and charm to get it.
If you’re not careful, you may be wrapped around your Libra cat’s paw before you know it! When you deny them something, the Libra cat has the skill to make you feel like the worst human on earth.
The Libra cat is a sociable creature
Libra cats love being around their human companions and are always up for a game or a chat. They’re very sociable and love to meet new people and animals.
If you have visitors, don’t be surprised if your Libra cat is the first to greet them at the door!
This personality trait makes your little feline have a lot of energy. Often Libra cats can be trained and taken for a walk around the neighborhood.
Also, it can often happen that your Libra kitten leaves home—obviously without telling you, or maybe they tell you, but you don’t understand—to play with the animal friends in the neighborhood.
In CATclusion
Libra cats are gorgeous and graceful and use their cunning to get their way. They are tidy cats who don’t like to make a “fuss” but have no problem waking you up at 3 AM to ensure you are still alive.
Libra cats also know how to share everything from toys, and food to sleeping space, so they have no problem if there is more than one animal in the house. Overall, the Libra cat is a kind, loving, and social creature that will bring joy and laughter into your life.
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