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Happy April Birthday and Gotcha Day Video

Finally, we have our video of April birthday and gotcha day dogs and cats from CatTipper and DogTipper readers! After just writing on our Paris and John’s Country Home blog about how much I was liking our new wireless DSL Internet service, a thunderstorm knocked out our service for several days! We have a small modem but it’s MUCH slower so we’re still playing catchup…

But now we have our April video…and our April winners! Selected at random, our April birthday/gotcha day cat is handsome Athens, who wins a sack of cat toys! Athens’ mom said, “This is my cat Athens, whose “Gotcha Date” is 4/12/11. I adopted him from a high-kill Los Angeles shelter. He is a very good boy!”

and our April dog, who wins a sack of dog toys, is Maki…

Happy birthday and gotcha days to all! And, if your cat has a birthday or gotcha day in May, please be sure to send in his or her photo to our May Birthday Cat Club!

Paris Permenter
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