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Fresh Step Puts Litter to Test with Rotten Fish!

All cat lovers have had the experience of walking near the litter box and suddenly recalling the words to that “Friends” song…”Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?”

Fortunately, “covering up” the mess can make a huge difference in the smells that emanate from the litter box, thanks to products like Fresh Step®. Recently Fresh Step put the power of their litter to the test with the Taxicab Torture Test. First, riders were offered a free ride in a taxi…but it was a taxi ride shared with a box of very dead fish. For many, the ride was cut short just to get away from the smells of rotting fish.

For the second part of the test, Fresh Step covered the dead fish with litter. (And, as you’ll see in the video, they didn’t bury the fish in litter but just covered over them, all that you’d need in a litter box. Most of us are guilty of using too much litter which is just an added expense.)

You’ll see what a big difference that litter made in the odor–or lack of odor–in that taxi!

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Paris Permenter
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