Purrhaps you are looking for some clever cat puns to add to your Instagram captions? Or maybe you’re just feline feisty and would like to find a play on words that involve cats. Well, you’re in luck!
Cat lovers have created their own vocabulary of cat-tastic terms. Most cat puns are a play on the words cat, claw, feline, fur, hiss, kitten, meow, paw and purr. Here’s a look at some furbulous cat puns–and pawsible ways to use them!

Cat Puns and Instagram Captions
Absomewtely: absolutely. My cat absomewtely won’t eat from a paper plate; she prefers china.
A-meow-zing: amazing. My cat is an a-meow-zing jumper and can leap almost to the top of a tall bookcase!
A-paws: applause. A round of a-paws for my cat’s ability to remain asleep even while we rearranged the room’s furniture!
Brofur: brother. Our girl cats love their little brofur…even when he does something irritating like walking off with their favorite cat wand.
Cat-astrophe: catastrophe. Running out of cat food isn’t just a regular emergency…it is a cat-astrophe.
Cat-tastic: fantastic. A cat-tastic job on shredding that newspaper, Lucky!
Cattitude: cat attitude. Jetty looked down on her paw-rents with more than a little cattitude as they scrambled to clean up the spilled cat food after it was pushed off the counter.
Caturday: Saturday. Get ready for plenty of cat photos–it’s Caturday!
Claw-ver: clever. How claw-ver is your cat?
Dra-purr-y: drapery. “You mean that dra-purr-y wasn’t put there for me to climb?”
Expurrience: experience. Bathing a cat is an expurrience best missed.
Feline: feeling. I’m feline fine now that I’m home, and my cat is in my lap.
Fur: for. I’d do anything fur my cat.
Furbulous: fabulous. You and your cat are both looking furbulous, my dear.
Fureign: foreign. My cat considers beef as fureign food.
Furend: friend. “Will you be my furend?”
Furever: forever. Every shelter cat is hoping for a furever home.
Furget: forget. Don’t furget to pick up some new cat toys at the store!
Furgive: forgive. You furgot to pick up the cat toys? I furgive you.
Furrench: French. “Are you going to eat all those Furrench fries?”
Furmula: formula. My cat’s furmula for success is 20 hours of sleep a day.
Furrozen: frozen. My cat was furrozen in her tracks when she thought she saw a mouse beneath the stairs.
Furth: forth. My cat does not like the sound of fireworks on the Furth of July.
Furtune: fortune. Fur real, I cannot believe my good furtune!
Furtunate: fortunate. It’s most furtunate for my cat that the birds like to dine right outside the catio for optimal viewing.
Furward: forward. “I’m going to furget about that fight with my brofur and just move furward.”
Gourmeow: gourmet. “My mom acts like she’s feeding me gourmeow food but I’d rather have a mouse.”
Helpurr: helper. Every time I make the bed I have a little helpurr.
Hisstericle: hysterical. “My pawrents got hisstericle when I brought them the head of a mouse and put it on the kitchen counter! I was saving some for them!”
Im-paw-sible: impossible. It’s im-paw-sible not to love my cat!
Kitten: kidding. My cat is the best–I’m not kitten you!
Meow: now. “I want my dinner right meow!”
Meowlentine: Valentine. Happy Meowlentine’s Day!
Meowlloween: Halloween. Keep your cats indoors for their own safety on Meowlloween!
Meowtini: martini. A meowtini, please…shaken, not stirred.
Meowy: marry or merry. Will you meowy me?
Mew: new. Happy Mew Year!
Mewbies: newbies. “Those kittens think they can climb better than me…but they’re just mewbies!”
Mewlyweds: newlyweds. Best wishes to the mewlyweds as they combine their households–and their household cats!
Mewsic: music. That’s mewsic to my ears!
Mewscast: newscast. “Stop watching that mewscast and feed me my dinner!”
Mewspaper: newspaper. “Put down that mewspaper or I will climb right in the middle of it and take a nap!”
Papurr: paper. Why do cats want to shred papurr?
Pawdon: pardon. “Pawdon me, but this is my chair.”
Pawesome: awesome. “Tonight’s dinner was pawesome!”
Pawfect: perfect. “Can we just ignore that alarm and go back to sleep? That would be pawfect.”
Pawffice: office. “I would prefer you not go to the pawffice today but instead stay home and play with me.”
Pawful: awful. “Dinner was thirty minutes late; it was pawful.”
Pawlicy: policy. Our cats are indoors-only…that is our pawlicy.
Pawrents: parents. “My pawrents went on vacation and all they bought me was this new wand.”
Paws: pause. “Let’s just paws for a moment and think about how unfair it is to wake up the cat just because you need to go to work.”
Pawsible: possible. “Is it pawsible for you to watch TV from the floor so that I may be undisturbed in this chair?”
Pawsitive: positive. “I am pawsitive I left my toy right here.”
Pawsitively: positively. Think pawsitively!
Pawsome: awesome. “The treats were pawsome!”
Pawsper: prosper. Live long and pawsper!
Pawtrait: portrait. I love this pawtrait of my cat!
Popurrlar: popular. In my house, boxes are more popurrlar than the gifts that were inside of them!
Purrspective: perspective. “Am I a big cat or a small cat? It all depends on your purrspective.”
Purrchase: purchase. “If you don’t purrchase me a new scratcher, I will use the arm of the sofa!”
Purrdon: pardon. Well, purrdon me!
Purrfect: perfect. My cat is purrfect!
Purrhaps: perhaps. Purrhaps I am the purrfect cat for you?
Purrk: perk. One purrk of my job is that I get to work at home with my cat!
Purrlease: please. Purrlease serve dinner now!
Purrmanent: permanent. Adopting a cat is a purrmanent move; you become their furever family.
Purrmission: permission. “No, I did not ask for purrmission before napping on your keyboard.”
Purrse: purse. “I think your purrse is a fine cat bed.”
Purrsevere: persevere. I had to purrsevere in my efforts to introduce my cat to my newly-adopted kitten but now they are best furends.
Purrson: person. My cat is my favorite purrson.
Purrsonality: personality. My cat has a big purrsonality!
Purrsonally: personally. Purrsonally, I think my cat is the best cat on Earth.
Purrthday: birthday. Happy purrthday!
Purrty: pretty or party. Is my cat purrty? or Are you ready to purrty?
Sisfur: sister. “My sisfur is a dog.”
Supurrb: superb. My cat’s hearing is supurrb–he can hear me open a can of cat food even when he is asleep.
Supurrpower: superpower. My cat’s supurrpower is the ability to know when I am about to stand up–and immediately settle in my lap at that very instant.
Supurrstar: superstar. I am convinced that my cat is going to be an Instagram supurrstar.
Supurrvisor: supervisor. I always have a supurrvisor looking over my shoulder.
Up-purr: upper. My cat has the up-purr paw in this household.
Whispurr: whisper. Please whispurr so you don’t wake my cat.
Cat Holiday Puns

- Catmas: Christmas
- Jack Fur-ost: Jack Frost
- Meowlidays: holidays
- Purr-esents: presents. “Are these purr-esents for me?”
- Meow-ry: merry. Meowry Catmas!
- Santa Claws: Santa Claus
- Santa Paws: Santa Claus
Looking for more ideas?
- Famous cat quotes that make great Instagram captions
- 50+ Cat Puns That Are Totally Hiss-Terical
- Dog Puns and Furtastic Instagram Captions
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