Whether you’re celebrating your Swedish heritage, your love of Sweden or you’re just looking for a unique name for your new cat, we’ve collected some of the most popular as well as unusual Swedish cat names.
With their melodic sounds, Swedish names add a touch of Nordic charm to your cat’s identity. In this whisker-worthy guide, we delve into the captivating world of Swedish cat names, from monikers inspired by nature to Swedish baby names. Get ready to give your new cat or kitten a name that is as captivating as they are!

Swedish Nicknames
These short names are nicknames for longer Swedish names; they make easy-to-learn cat names, too!
- Affe – A common nickname for Alfred, meaning “elf counsel”.
- Agge – A nickname for Agnes, meaning “chaste, holy”.
- Anders – A shorter form or nickname for Alexander, meaning “defender of the people”.
- Bella – A nickname for Isabella, often used for beautiful or charming individuals.
- Bengt – Common nickname for Bengtsson, meaning “blessed”.
- Bibbi – Often used as a nickname for Birgit, meaning “the high one” or “exalted one”.
- Bosse – A common nickname for Bo, Bodil, or Bosse, typically denoting “a person who lives in the woods”.
- Cilla – A nickname for Priscilla, which can mean “ancient” or “classical”.
- Doffe – A common nickname for Adolf, which means “noble wolf”.
- Ebbe – A shortened form of Ebbe, a name of Germanic origin meaning “wild boar” or “boar-like”.
- Fia – A sweet nickname often used for Sofia or Josefina, meaning “wisdom”.
- Freja/Frej – Derived from the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, Freyja.
- Gittan – A nickname for Birgitta, which means “the high one” or “exalted one”.
- Gösta – A nickname for Gustav, meaning “staff of the Geats”.
- Hasse – A common nickname for Hans, which is a Swedish variant of John, meaning “God is gracious”.
- Henke – A nickname for Henrik, meaning “home ruler”.
- Ingela – A diminutive of Ingrid and Ingmar, relating to the Norse god Ing.
- Janne – A nickname for Jan or Johan, meaning “God is gracious”.
- Jörgen – Often a nickname or short form for Georg, meaning “farmer” or “earthworker”.
- Kalle – A common nickname for Karl, meaning “free man”.
- Katta – A playful nickname for Katarina, which means “pure”.
- Kenta – A nickname for Kent, a name of unknown meaning.
- Kicki – Often used as a nickname for Christina, which means “Christian” or “follower of Christ”.
- Klas – A nickname for Klaus or Niklas, meaning “victory of the people”.
- Lasse – A nickname for Lars, which means “crowned with laurel”.
- Lillan – A diminutive term for someone younger or smaller, meaning “the little one”.
- Lotta – A common nickname for Charlotta, which means “free woman”.
- Maja – A nickname for Maria, which means “of the sea” or “bitter”.
- Micke – A common nickname for Mikael, which means “who is like God?”.
- Mille – Often used as a nickname for Camilla or Emil, meaning “rival”.
- Mysan – A Swedish term meaning “cozy”, often used as a nickname for a sweet person.
- Nils – A shortened form or nickname for Nikolaus, meaning “victory of the people”.
- Nisse – Another nickname for Nils or Nikolaus, meaning “victory of the people”.
- Olle – A nickname for Olof, meaning “ancestor’s heir”.
- Pelle – A nickname for Per, which is a Swedish form of Peter, meaning “rock”.
- Putte – A common nickname in Sweden, often used affectionately without a specific meaning.
- Rille – A nickname without a specific root or meaning, often used for Henrik or similar names.
- Ronja – Derived from the children’s book “Ronja Rövardotter”, used as a nickname for a strong and independent individual.
- Siv – A nickname derived from the Norse goddess Siv, the wife of Thor, represents love and beauty.
- Staffan – A nickname for Stefan, meaning “crown” or “wreath”.
- Stina – A common nickname for Christina, which means “Christian” or “follower of Christ”.
- Stisse – A playful nickname without a specific root or meaning, often used for Staffan or similar names.
- Tilda – A nickname for Matilda, meaning “mighty in battle”.
- Tore – A nickname for Tor, which is derived from the Norse god Thor.
- Ulla – A common nickname for Ulrika, which means “prosperity” or “fortune”.
- Uffe – A nickname for Ulf, meaning “wolf”.
- Vera – Often used as a nickname for names like Veronica, meaning “truth”.
- Ville – A nickname for Vilhelm, which means “will helmet” or “resolute protector”.
- Yngve – A name rooted in Norse mythology, often used as a nickname for individuals with names starting with “Ing-“.
- Zäta – A nickname with no specific meaning, often used in a playful or affectionate manner.
Swedish Names for Boys
There’s a growing trend to name our cats with the same names we use for human babies; here’s a look at some of the most popular Swedish names for boys:
- Alva – “Elf”
- Arvid – “Eagle tree”
- Axel – “Father of peace”
- Balder – “Brave army”
- Birger – “Rescue”
- Casper – “Treasurer”
- Dag – “Day”
- Ebba – “Strong as a boar”
- Elmer – “Noble famous”
- Emil – “Industrious”
- Felix – “Lucky”
- Frode – “Wise”
- Gunnar – “Battle warrior”
- Gustav – “Royal staff”
- Helge – “Holy”
- Hugo – “Mind”
- Isak – “Laughter”
- Ivar – “Bow warrior”
- Jonas – “Dove”
- Knut – “Knot”
- Loke – “Trickster god”
- Ludde – “Famous warrior”
- Måns – “Man”
- Melker – “Helper in battle”
- Neo – “New”
- Nils – “Victory of the people”
- Olle – “Ancestor’s relic”
- Pelle – “Stone”
- Sigge – “Victorious”
- Sixten – “Victorious stone”
- Tage – “Day”
- Thor – “Thunder god”
- Tyra – “Thor’s battle”
- Ulrik – “Power of the wolf”
- Valter – “Powerful ruler”
- Vidar – “Warrior”
- Vilgot – “Will of the gods”
- Vince – “Conquering”
- Xander – “Defender of the people”
- Yngve – “Descendant”
- Zebastian – “Revered”
Swedish Names for Girls
Similarly, girls’ names have become increasingly popular as cat names. Here’s a look at some of the most popular names for baby girls in Sweden:
- Anika – “Grace”
- Astrid – “Divine strength”
- Bianca – “White”
- Blenda – “Dazzling”
- Cilla – “Warrior woman”
- Edith – “Rich war”
- Elin – “Torch”
- Elsa – “God is my oath”
- Felicia – “Happiness”
- Freja – “Norse goddess of love and fertility”
- Gerda – “Protection”
- Greta – “Pearl”
- Hilda – “Battle”
- Hilma – “Protector”
- Inga – “Fertility”
- Ingrid – “Beautiful”
- Jolina – “Flower”
- Karin – “Pure”
- Klara – “Clear”
- Linnea – “Twinflower”
- Lovisa – “Famous warrior”
- Maja – “Pearl”
- Malin – “Little strong warrior”
- Nanna – “Brave”
- Nova – “New”
- Oda – “Wealthy”
- Petra – “Rock”
- Saga – “Seeing one”
- Siri – “Beautiful victory”
- Siv – “Bride”
- Stina – “Christian”
- Tilda – “Battle mighty”
- Tove – “Beautiful”
- Ulla – “Will”
- Vega – “Swooping eagle”
- Vilma – “Will helmet”
- Ylva – “She-wolf”
- Yrsa – “She-bear”
- Zelma – “Helmet of God”
Unisex Names
These unisex names make equally good names whether your kitten is male or female.
- Ariel – “Lion of God”
- Ebbot – “Strong boar”
- Juni – “June”
- Marley – “Marten’s meadow”
- Noel – “Christmas”
Names from Swedish Literature and TV
Findus – From “Pettson and Findus.” Findus means tomcat.
Måns – From The Brothers Lionheart, a longtime Swedish children’s book.
Pippi – From Pippi Longstocking. Means lover of horses.
Skorpan – The nickname of one of the brothers in The Brothers Lionheart; the last name of the brothers is Lion.
Nature-inspired Names
Are you–or is your new cat–a nature lover? These Swedish nature inspired names are unique and memorable:
- Björn – “Bear”
- Eira – “Mercy”
- Mio – “Mine”
- Njord – “Norse sea god”
- Svea – “Swede”
- Ylva – “She-wolf”
Swedish Pet Names
You know that your new furry family member is your sweetheart; here’s a look at some terms of endearment that make cute Swedish cat names:
Älskling – “Darling” or “Sweetheart”
Ängla – “Angel” (used to express that someone is as lovely and pure as an angel)
Hjärtat – “Heart” (Used as a term of endearment, like “my heart.”)
Kära – “Dear” or “Beloved”
Gulleplutt – A cute and affectionate term for a “sweet little guy” or “little sweetheart.”
Gullunge – “Golden child” (used to express someone who is treasured and a fun name for a yellow kitten or a ginger cat)
Kärlek – “Love” (often used to address a loved one directly)
Mysig – “Cozy” or “Cuddly” (used to describe someone who is comforting and cuddly)
Raring – “Sweetie” or “Love”
Solstråle – “Sunbeam” (used to express someone who brings warmth and light to your life)
Snäcka – “Shell” (used to convey that someone is precious and cherished like a seashell)
Sötnos – “Sweetie” or “Cutie”
Swedish Desserts
Sweden is known for its rich culinary heritage, and their desserts are no exception. From delicate pastries to indulgent cakes, Swedish sweets might make a good name for your little sweetie.

Kanelbullar (Cinnamon Rolls)
Prinsesstårta (Princess Cake) – A regal treat with layers of sponge cake, whipped cream, raspberry jam, and a crown of green marzipan.
Semla (Lenten Bun) – A fluffy cardamom-spiced bun filled with almond paste and whipped cream, a divine treat traditionally enjoyed during Lent.
Pannkakor (Swedish Pancakes) – Thin, lacy pancakes best served with lingonberry jam or fresh berries and whipped cream.
Dammsugare (Vacuum Cleaner) – Yep, the name of these chocolate-covered marzipan rolls literally means vacuum cleaner in Swedish! Whether your new cat has issues with the vacuum cleaner or you adopted him or her on the official day celebrating Dammsugare (March 7), this makes a sweet name!
Kladdkaka (Gooey Chocolate Cake) – A gooey, fudgy chocolate cake that sticks to your spoon and melts in your mouth. Celebrated every year on Kladdkakans Dag, November 7.
Rulltårta (Swiss Roll) – A sponge cake rolled with sweet fillings like jam, cream, or berries. This dessert is celebrated on August 9 every year; a fun name if that might be your cat’s adoption or birthday!
Syltkakor (Jam Cookies) – Delicate butter cookies with a dollop of jam in the center.
Lussekatter (Saffron Buns) – S-shaped buns flavored with saffron and dotted with raisins, often enjoyed during St. Lucia’s Day.
Mazariner (Almond Tarts) – Mini almond-filled tarts that marry sweetness and nuttiness in every bite.
Äppelkaka (Apple Cake) – A comforting apple cake sprinkled with cinnamon; a fun name for a yellow cat.
Biskvier (Almond Macaroons) – Sweet almond macaroons filled with chocolate or raspberry buttercream
Swedish Mythology Names for Cats
Swedish culture is rich in mythology, with stories of gods, goddesses, mythical creatures, and legendary heroes. Swedish folklore has its roots in Old Norse mythology so you’ll see some familiar names from Norse mythology as well. Would one of these gods and goddesses be a good name for your new cat or kitten?
Balder – The god of light, purity, and beauty, known for his tragic death and subsequent resurrection.
Freyja – The goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, associated with war and magic.
Freyr – The god of fertility, prosperity, and peace, associated with agriculture and the harvest.
Idun – The goddess of youth and keeper of the magical apples that grant immortality to the gods.

Loki – The trickster god, often causing mischief and chaos among the gods and mortals.
Njord – The god of the sea, sailing, and fishing, associated with prosperity and wealth.
Odin – The All-Father and chief god in Norse mythology, associated with wisdom, war, and poetry.
Sif – The goddess of fertility and the golden-haired wife of Thor. A good name for the mama cat you adopt.
Skadi – The goddess of winter, skiing, and hunting, representing the harshness of winter.
Thor – The god of thunder and strength, protector of Asgard, wielding his mighty hammer Mjölnir.
Tyr – The god of law and justice, known for his bravery and sacrifice. A good name for a brave cat who has seen difficult times.
Ymir – A primordial giant from whose body the world was created in Norse cosmogony.
Swedish Place Names
Sweden boasts a plethora of famous place names, from picturesque cities to world class museums. Here are some of the most well-known Swedish locations that might make a great cat name for lovers of Sweden!
Stockholm – OK, maybe because my name is Paris I like city names! Stockholm, the capital and largest city of Sweden, is built on 14 islands and known for its historic architecture, cultural attractions, and vibrant atmosphere.
Gothenburg (Göteborg) – The country’s second-largest city, known for its maritime history, lively port, and cultural events.
Malmö – Located in the south of Sweden, this city is known for its modern architecture and the iconic Turning Torso skyscraper.
Uppsala – A historic city with a prestigious university and impressive landmarks like Uppsala Cathedral.
Lund – A charming university town with a rich history and beautiful botanical gardens.
Visby – The capital of Gotland, known for its well-preserved medieval city walls and buildings.
Kiruna – The northernmost town in Sweden, famous for the nearby Kiruna Church and being a gateway to the Arctic wilderness.
Örebro – A city with a historic castle and the scenic Wadköping open-air museum.
Luleå – A coastal city in the north of Sweden, with a unique icebreaker tourist attraction during winters.
Vasa – The Vasa Museum is an extraordinary maritime museum in Stockholm. Vasa was the name of Sweden’s first king–or perhaps the furry king of your home?
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