If you’re a cat lover and a nature enthusiast, what better way to celebrate your passion than by giving your feline friend a name that reflects the beauty and wonder of the natural world? From majestic mountain ranges to unpredictable weather phenomena, the world around us provides endless inspiration for nature cat names. Whether you’re searching for a name that embodies grace, strength, or a touch of wildness, we have gathered a delightful collection of nature-inspired names that might be purrfect for your new cat or kitten.

Words Related to Nature that Make Good Cat Names
Plant Names for Cats
Basil – a Greek name meaning “royal, kingly,” often associated with the beauty and fragrance of natural herbs.
Briar – a name inspired by the thorny bushes often found in nature.
Clover – an English name meaning “a type of plant with three-leafed leaves,” often associated with the beauty and abundance of natural elements.
Fern – a name inspired by the delicate and leafy plant often found in wooded areas.
Hawthorn – an English name meaning “hedge with thorns,” often associated with the beauty and resilience of natural elements.
Ivy – a name inspired by the climbing vine often found on trees and buildings. A fun plant name for the cat who loves to climb!
Sage – a name inspired by the herb often used for its medicinal and culinary properties, this English name also means “wise one.”
Flower Cat Names
Aster – The Aster is a September birth flower; among its many meanings, the Aster symbolizes patience, elegance, charm and love.
Bluebell – The bluebell stands for gratitude and everlasting love. A fun name for a Russian Blue.
Blossom – A fitting name for the new cat as beautiful as a blossom, this name can also mean “to flourish,” an excellent choice for a cat who has seen tough times.
Dahlia – In the language of flowers, the dahlia represents commitment and acts as a reminder to always be kind.
Daisy – If your cat’s Gotcha Day or birthday is celebrated in April, the daisy is his/her birth flower!
Heather – This flower’s petal color determine its meaning — with purple symbolizing admiration, pink standing for good luck and white representing protection.
Hyacinth – The Hyacinth symbolizes play and sincerity.
Iris – a Greek name meaning “rainbow,” often associated with the beauty and wonder of natural phenomena.
Jasmine – This name (shared by a Disney princess) means love and luck.
Laurel – The official state flower of Pennsylvania, the petals on this evergreen shrub speak of perseverance.
Lavender – Cats named Lavender share their name with a Harry Potter character; this name can convey royalty, elegance, purity and devotion.
Lilac – Among its myriad of meanings, the lilac symbolizes the innocence of youth.
Lily – An English name meaning “pure,” often associated with the beauty and delicacy of natural flowers.
Orchid – A flower which, according to Chinese culture, brings good luck, the orchid speaks of many things in the language of flowers.
Pansy – Pansies are associated with thoughts in the language of flowers.
Peony – The peony symbolizes prosperity, compassion and a happy marriage.
Petunia – The Petunia can mean the feeling of comfort in someone’s presence.
Poppy – Although associated with both sleep (think of the field of poppies that Dorothy and her fantastical friends walk through on their way to The Emerald City in The Wizard of Oz) and death (the flowers have become a symbol of the brave men who lost their lives in World War I), the poppy also represents hope.
Rose – An English name meaning “flower,” often associated with the beauty and elegance of natural flowers.
Sweet Pea – By choosing this term of endearment as the name of a tail-wagging chum pet parents are saying (in the language of flowers) that their dog brings “blissful pleasure” into their lives.
Violet – A white violet says “let’s take a chance on happiness” while a blue violet tells its receiver that “I’ll always be true.”
Tree Cat Names
Acacia – a Greek name meaning “thorny tree” — perhaps the name for a cat who loves to use his claws?
Aspen – a name inspired by the tree known for its white bark and delicate leaves. This English name means “tree of the mountains.”
Cedar – a Hebrew name meaning “strong, sturdy,” after the cedar trees known for their strength.
Cypress – a Greek name meaning “to sprout,” often associated with the beauty and resilience of natural elements.
Dawn – a name inspired by the first light of day.
Hazel – a name inspired by the tree known for its edible nuts and distinctive leaves.
Jade – a name inspired by the precious stone often associated with nature and healing.

Juniper – a name inspired by the evergreen shrub known for its fragrant berries. (Our neighbor has a daughter named Juniper, and I just love this name!)
Laurel – a name inspired by the tree known for its glossy leaves and association with victory.
Linden – an English name meaning “a type of tree with heart-shaped leaves,” often associated with the beauty and tranquility of natural environments.
Oak – a tree associated with the strength and resilience of natural elements.
Rowan – a name inspired by the tree known for its bright red berries and association with protection.
Willow – a name inspired by the graceful and flexible tree often found near water.
Nature Related Names for Natural Settings
Arroyo – Arroyo is a Spanish word that refers to a small, narrow, steep-sided channel or watercourse that is usually dry except during periods of heavy rain or snowmelt.
Canyon – a deep gorge or ravine, typically formed by the erosion of water.
Cliff – a steep rock face, typically formed by erosion or rockfall.
Coast – the land near the sea or ocean.
Creek – a small stream or brook.
Desert – a barren and arid region, typically covered in sand and lacking in vegetation.
Forest – a large area of land covered in trees and underbrush.
Glacier – a large mass of ice that slowly moves over land.
Hill – a raised area of land, typically smaller than a mountain.
Island (or Isla) – a piece of land surrounded by water. (One of our dogs is named Isla so it’s definitely a favorite of mine!)
Jungle – a dense forest in a tropical region.
Lake – a large body of water surrounded by land.
Meadow – a name inspired by the grassy fields often found in nature.
Ocean – a name inspired by the vast and powerful body of water.
Prairie – a large area of flat grassland, typically found in North America.
River – a name inspired by the flowing body of water often associated with life and renewal.

Savannah – a grassy plain in a tropical or subtropical region, typically home to large herbivores.
Sea – a large body of saltwater that is partially enclosed by land.
Sky – a name inspired by the vast and limitless expanse above us.
Tundra – mostly treeless high-altitude landscapes.
Valley – a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream running through it.
Wadi – Wadi is an Arabic word that refers to a dry riverbed or valley that only carries water during periods of heavy rain or flooding.
Weather Cat Names
Weather is a constantly changing force of nature–much like our cats! These words for all different types of weather might spark a flurry of ideas for your new kitten’s name.
Cirrus – thin, wispy clouds that form at high altitudes
Drizzle or Drizzly
Fog or Foggy
Frost or Frosty
Ice (or Icy) – a fun name for a white cat
Big Cat Names
If you love nature shows as much as I do, you can’t pass by a show on the big cats of the world. Does the name of one of these members of the feline family fit your new cat’s personality?
- Bengal (Tiger)
- Cheetah
- Cougar
- Jaguar
- Leopard
- Lion
- Lynx
- Ocelot
- Puma
Girls’ Names Inspired by Nature
Aria – an Italian name meaning “air” or “song,” often associated with the gentle breeze and the beauty of nature.
Autumn – an English name meaning “the season of harvest,” often associated with the beauty and bounty of nature.
Brooke – an English name meaning “a small stream,” often associated with the gentle flow and movement of water in nature.
Dahlia – a Scandinavian name meaning “valley,” often associated with the beauty and serenity of natural landscapes.
Flora – a Latin name meaning “flower,” often associated with the beauty and vibrancy of nature.
Hazel – an English name meaning “the hazelnut tree,” often associated with the beauty and warmth of natural elements.
Jade – a Spanish name meaning “stone of the side,” often associated with the strength and resilience of natural elements.
Laurel – a Latin name meaning “bay tree,” often associated with the beauty and majesty of natural landscapes.
Luna – a Latin name meaning “moon,” often associated with the beauty and mystery of natural elements.
Meadow – an English name meaning “a field of grass,” often associated with the beauty and tranquility of natural landscapes.
Nurai – an Arabic name meaning “white water droplets from dew, mist, or light rain.
Oanez – a Breton name meaning “little lamb in the rain,” often associated with the gentle and peaceful qualities of rain.
Olive – a Latin name meaning “olive tree,” often associated with the beauty and abundance of natural elements.
Reva – a Hindi name meaning “rain,” often associated with the life-giving and nourishing qualities of rain.
Talia – a Hebrew name meaning “dew from heaven,” often associated with the gentle and refreshing qualities of rain.
Ulan – a Mongolian name meaning “rain,” often associated with the life-giving and nourishing qualities of rain.
Willow – an English name meaning “willow tree,” often associated with the grace and resilience of natural elements.
Yaritza – a Spanish name meaning “water lady,” often associated with the beauty and power of natural elements.
Boys’ Names Inspired by Nature
Aeron – a Welsh name meaning “berry” or “stern,” often associated with the power and force of water.
Ash – an English name meaning “from the ash tree,” often associated with the strength and resilience of natural elements.
Cedar – a Hebrew name meaning “strong, sturdy,” often associated with the beauty and majesty of natural landscapes.
Cliff – an English name meaning “cliff, slope,” often associated with the rugged beauty of natural landscapes.
Dylan – a Welsh name meaning “son of the sea,” often associated with the vastness and beauty of water.
Ford – an English name meaning “river crossing,” often associated with the flow and movement of water.
Forest – an English name meaning “a wooded area,” often associated with the beauty and tranquility of natural environments.
Hiro – a Japanese name meaning “generous,” often associated with the life-giving and nourishing qualities of water.
Jasper – a Persian name meaning “bringer of treasure,” often associated with the beauty and richness of natural landscapes.
Kai – a Hawaiian name meaning “sea,” often associated with the vastness and beauty of natural elements.
Mako – a Japanese name meaning “sincerity,” often associated with the clarity and purity of water.
Moses – a Hebrew name meaning “drawn out of the water,” often associated with the life-giving and transformative qualities of water.
Neptune – a Latin name meaning “god of the sea,” often associated with the power and majesty of water.
Ocean – an English name meaning “vast sea,” often associated with the beauty and power of natural elements.
Rio – a Spanish name meaning “river,” often associated with the flow and movement of water.
River – an English name meaning “a flowing body of water,” often associated with the beauty and tranquility of natural environments.
Tal – a Hebrew name meaning “dew,” often associated with the gentle and refreshing qualities of water.
Wade – an English name meaning “at the river crossing,” often associated with the flow and movement of water.
Ymir – a Norse name meaning “sea,” often associated with the vastness and beauty of natural elements.
Zale – a Greek name meaning “sea-strength,” often associated with the power and force of water.
Gods and Goddesses Related to Nature
Nature inspired cat names can also come from the rich stories of mythologies around the world:
Apollo – a Greek god of the sun, light, and music, often associated with the beauty and warmth of natural elements.
Ceres – a Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility, often associated with the abundance and richness of natural elements.
Demeter – a Greek goddess of agriculture and harvest, often associated with the beauty and bounty of natural elements.
Gaia – a Greek goddess of the earth, often associated with the interconnected web of life on Earth and the self-regulating system that maintains conditions suitable for life.
Pan – a Greek god of nature, often associated with the wild and untamed beauty of natural environments.
Persephone – a Greek goddess of spring and queen of the underworld, often associated with the cycle of life, death, and rebirth in nature.
Poseidon – a Greek god of the sea, often associated with the power and majesty of water in natural environments.
Rhea – a Greek goddess of nature and fertility, often associated with the beauty and abundance of natural elements.
Tlaloc – an Aztec god of rain and fertility, often associated with the life-giving and nourishing qualities of water in natural environments.
Tiamat – a Babylonian goddess of the sea and chaos, often associated with the power and unpredictability of natural elements–an appropriate name for a kitten who just might get into anything!
Thor – a Norse god of thunder and lightning, often associated with the power and majesty of natural phenomena.
Zeus – a Greek god of the sky and thunder, often associated with the power and majesty of natural elements.
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