Congratulations on your new male kitty! When it’s time to start choosing a name (sometimes you have to wait a day or two to learn more about their unique purrsonality), we’ve got the ultimate list here with well over 1,000 male cat names and their special meanings.
Whether you are inspired by your cat’s quirky personality, striking appearance or you wish to imbue them with a boy’s name steeped in history or mythology, you’ve got a lot of choices!

Our Male Cats
Through the years, we’ve shared our home with many male cats, each with a special name. Right now, our boy Lucky brings us smiles every day. In the past, our male cats have included Cheeto, KitKat, Linus and Felix.
Male Cat Names: A
- Aaron (High mountain)
- Abbott (Father)
- Abel (Breath; Vanity)
- Abner (Father of light)
- Ace (One; Unity)
- Achilles (Warrior; Hero of the Greeks)
- Acton (Oak tree settlement)
- Adam (Man; Of the earth)
- Adan (Variant of Adam, Man; Of the earth)
- Addison (Son of Adam)
- Aditya (Sun)
- Adler (Eagle)
- Admiral (High-ranking naval officer)
- Adonis (Beautiful; Handsome)
- Adrian (From the sea; Dark one)
- Aesop (Famed storyteller)
- Agamemnon (Very steadfast)
- Ahab (Uncle; Father’s brother)
- Ahmad (More commendable)
- Ajax (Eagle; Powerful warrior)
- Akira (Bright; Clear)
- Aladdin (Height of religion)
- Alan (Handsome; Cheerful)
- Alaric (Ruler of all)
- Albert (Noble; Bright)
- Albus (White; Bright–or a fun name for the cat of a Harry Potter fan)
- Alden (Old, wise friend)
- Aldo (Old; Noble)
- Alec (Defender of mankind)
- Alejandro (Defender of mankind)
- Aleron (Winged one)
- Alex (Defender of mankind)
- Alexander (Defender of mankind)
- Alfie (Elf counsel)

- Algernon (Bearded; Wearing a mustache)
- Ali (Exalted; Noble)
- Alistair (Defender of mankind)
- Alonzo (Noble; Ready)
- Altair (The flying eagle)
- Alvin (Friend of elves)
- Amadeus (Love of God)
- Amar (Immortal)
- Ambrose (Immortal)
- Ameer (Prince; Leader)
- Amir (Prince; Leader)
- Amos (Carried by God)
- Anakin (Warrior; Star Wars character)
- Bailey (Bailiff; Steward)
- Baldwin (Bold friend)
- Balthazar (God protect the king)
- Bamboo (A tall, fast-growing grass)
- Banjo (Musical instrument)
- Barclay (Birch tree meadow)
- Barnaby (Son of consolation)
- Barney (Strong as a bear)
- Barron (Nobleman)
- Basil (Royal; Kingly)
- Baxter (Baker)
- Bayard (Reddish-brown hair)
- Beau (Handsome)
- Beckett (Beehive or brook)
- Benedict (Blessed)
- Benjamin (Son of the right hand)
- Bennett (Blessed)
- Benson (Son of Ben)
- Bentley (Meadow with coarse grass)
- Bernard (Strong as a bear)
- Bertrand (Bright raven)
- Bevis (Bowman)
- Blaise (Fire)
- Blake (Dark; Black)
- Blizzard (A severe snowstorm)
- Bodhi (Enlightenment)
- Bogart (Orchard)
- Bolt (A fast move; Lightning)
- Boniface (Good fate)
- Boris (Fight; Short)
- Bosco (Forest)
- Bowie (Yellow-haired)
- Boyd (Blond)
- Bradley (Broad meadow)
- Bram (Bramble; A thicket of wild gorse)
- Brandon (Prince; Little raven)
- Branson (Son of Brand)
- Braxton (Brock’s settlement)
- Brennan (Teardrop)
- Brent (Hill; Mount)
- Bret (From Brittany)
- Brian (High; Noble)
- Bridger (Bridge-worker)
- Brigham (Village with the bridge)
- Brighton (Bright town)
- Brock (Badger)
- Broderick (Brother)
- Bronson (Son of the brown man)
- Bryce (Speckled)
- Caden (Little battle)
- Caesar (Long-haired; Emperor)
- Cairo (Victorious one; Capital of Egypt)
- Caleb (Devoted; Faithful)
- Calvin (Bald)
- Camden (Winding valley)
- Cameron (Crooked nose)
- Casper (Treasurer)
- Cecil (Blind; Sixth)
- Cedric (Bounty)
- Chad (Warrior; Protector)
- Chance (Good fortune)
- Chandler (Candlemaker)
- Channing (Young wolf)
- Charles (Man; Free man)
- Charlie (Free man)
- Chase (Hunter)
- Chester (Fortress; Camp)
- Chico (Boy; Lad)
- Chip (Man)
- Christian (Follower of Christ)
- Christopher (Bearer of Christ)
- Chuck (Free man)
- Clarence (Bright; Clear)
- Clark (Clerk; Scholar)
- Claude (Lame; Limping)
- Clay (Mortal)
- Clayton (Town on clay land)
- Clement (Mild; Gentle)
- Clifford (Ford by a cliff)
- Clint (Settlement on a hill)
- Clinton (Town on a hill)
- Clyde (Scottish river name)
- Coby (Supplanter)
- Colby (Dark-haired)
- Cole (Victory of the people)
- Colin (Young creature)
- Colt (Young horse)
- Conan (Little wolf)
- Conner (Lover of hounds)
- Conrad (Bold counsel)
- Cooper (Barrel maker)
- Corbin (Raven)
- Corey (Ravine; Seething pool)
- Cornelius (Horn)
- Cory (Ravine)
- Craig (Rock; Crag)
- Crispin (Curly-haired)
- Crosby (Village with crosses)
- Curtis (Courteous; Polite)
- Dale (Valley)
- Dalton (Town in the valley)
- Damon (Constant; Loyal)
- Dane (From Denmark)
- Daniel (God is my judge)
- Dante (Enduring; Steadfast)
- Darius (Wealthy; Kingly)
- Darrell (Beloved)
- Darwin (Dear friend)
- Daryl (Darling; Dearly loved)
- Dash (Dynamic; Lively)
- Dave (Beloved)
- David (Beloved)
- Dawson (Son of David)
- Dax (Water)
- Dean (Valley)
- Declan (Man of prayer)
- Dempsey (Proud)
- Dennis (for your mischievous kitty who is a little Dennis the Menace!)
- Derek (Ruler of the people)
- Dermot (Free from envy)
- Desmond (From South Munster)
- Devin (Poet)
- Dexter (Right-handed; Fortunate)
- Dillon (Like a lion)
- Dion (Child of heaven and earth)
- Dixon (Son of Dick)
- Dominic (Belonging to the Lord)
- Donovan (Dark warrior)
- Dorian (Child of the sea)
- Douglas (Dark river)
- Doyle (Dark stranger)
- Draco (Dragon)
- Drake (Dragon)
- Drew (Manly; Brave)
- Dudley (People’s field)
- Duke (Leader)
- Duncan (Brown warrior)
- Dustin (Valiant fighter)
- Dwight (White or blond)
- Dylan (Son of the sea)
- Dyre (Dear heart)
- Dzeko (Chubby cheeks)
- Denzel (From the high stronghold)
- Diego (Supplanter)
- Dieter (Ruler of the people)
- Digby (Farm by a ditch)
- Dimitri (Devoted to Demeter)
- Dino (Little sword)
- Dixon (Son of Dick)
- Eamon (Wealthy protector)
- Earl (Nobleman; Warrior)
- Easton (East town)
- Eben (Stone of help)
- Eddie (Wealthy guardian)
- Eden (Place of pleasure)
- Edgar (Wealthy spear-man)
- Edison (Son of Edward)
- Edmund (Wealthy protector)
- Edward (Wealthy guardian)
- Edwin (Wealthy friend)
- Egan (Little fire)
- Eldon (Sacred hill)
- Eldridge (Old/wise ruler)
- Eli (Ascended; Uplifted)
- Elias (The Lord is my God)
- Elijah (The Lord is my God)
- Elliott (Jehovah is God)
- Elmer (Noble; Famous)
- Elmo (Protector)
- Elroy (The king)
- Elton (Ella’s town)
- Elvis (All wise)
- Emerson (Son of Emery)
- Emery (Industrious leader)
- Emil (Rival)
- Emmanuel (God is with us)
- Emmett (Universal; Truth)
- Enoch (Dedicated)
- Enrique (Home ruler)
- Ephraim (Fruitful)
- Eric (Eternal ruler)
- Ernest (Serious; Resolute)
- Errol (Earl; Nobleman)
- Ervin (Friend of the sea)
- Esau (Hairy)
- Esteban (Crown)
- Ethan (Strong; Firm)
- Eugene (Well-born)
- Eustace (Fruitful; Productive)
- Evan (Young warrior)
- Everett (Wild boar herd)
- Ezra (Helper)
- Ezekiel (God will strengthen)
- Ezio (Eagle)
- Elden (Old and wise protector)
- Elwood (Elder tree forest)
- Elwyn (Elf friend)
- Eamon (Guardian of the riches)
- Ewing (Law’s friend)
- Fabian (Bean grower)
- Fabrizio (Craftsman)
- Fagan (Little fiery one)
- Fairbanks (Living near a lovely bank)
- Fairfax (Blonde)
- Falcon (Bird of prey)
- Falkner (Falcon trainer)
- Farid (Unique)
- Farley (Fern clearing)
- Faron (Pharaoh; Ruler)
- Felipe (Friend of horses)
- Felix (Happy; Lucky)
- Fenton (Marsh town)
- Ferdinand (Adventurous; Courageous traveler)
- Fergus (Man of vigor)
- Ferran (Adventurous)
- Farrell (Valiant; Courageous)
- Ferris (Rock)
- Finch (Bird)
- Finn (Fair)
- Finnegan (Fair-haired)
- Fisher (Fisherman)
- Fitzgerald (Son of Gerald)
- Fitzroy (Son of the king)
- Flint (A hard type of sedimentary rock)
- Floyd (Gray-haired)
- Flynn (Son of the red-haired man)
- Forrest (Of the woods)
- Foster (Forest guardian)
- Fox (Wild dog; Clever)
- Francis (Free man)
- Frank (Free man)
- Franklin (Free landowner)
- Fraser (Strawberry)
- Freddie (Peace ruler)
- Frederick (Peaceful ruler)
- Fritz (Peace ruler)
- Fulton (Bird hill)
- Fyodor (God’s gift)
- Fabrice (Craftsman)
- Faelan (Little wolf)
- Faron (Pharaoh)
- Ferran (Baker)
- Frazier (Strawberry)
- Freeman (Free man)
- Fulbright (Very bright)
- Fuller (Cloth thickener)
- Fulton (Bird hill)
- Fyfe (From Fifeshire)
- Fynn (Bright; Fair)
- Gabriel (God is my strength)
- Gael (Stranger)
- Gage (Pledge)
- Galen (Calm; Healer)
- Gallagher (Eager helper)
- Gannon (Fair-skinned)
- Gareth (Gentle)
- Garrett (Spear strength)
- Garrison (Son of Garret)
- Gary (Spear ruler)
- Gavin (White hawk)
- Gawain (White hawk)
- Gene (Well-born, noble)
- Geoffrey (Peaceful territory)
- George (Farmer)
- Gerald (Rule of the spear)
- Gerard (Brave spear)
- Germaine (Brother)
- Gian (God is gracious)
- Gideon (Tree cutter)
- Gilbert (Bright pledge)
- Giles (Young goat)
- Gino (Famous bearer)
- Giovanni (God is gracious)
- Glen (Valley)
- Gordon (Spacious fort)
- Graham (Gravelly homestead)
- Grant (Great; Large)
- Grayson (Son of the grey-haired one)
- Gregory (Watchful, alert)
- Griffin (Strong lord)
- Gunner (Warrior)
- Gustav (Staff of the Geats)
- Guy (Warrior)
- Gideon (Destroyer)
- Grady (Noble; Renowned)
- Graeme (Gravel home)
- Graham (War meadow)
- Gregor (Watchful)
- Guthrie (Windy place)
- Gyles (Young goat)
- Garrison (Son of Garret)
- Gannon (Fair-skinned)
- Garth (Garden)
- Gustave (Staff of the gods)
- Gil (Happiness)
- Gilles (Shield bearer)
- Gino (Famous fighter)
- Glynn (Valley)
- Gustavo (Staff of the gods)
- Haden (Heathen)
- Hal (Army ruler)
- Halden (Half-Dane)
- Hale (Robust; Healthy)
- Haley (Ingenious)
- Hallam (At the rocks)
- Hamish (Supplanter)
- Hampton (Home settlement)
- Hank (Ruler of the home)
- Hans (God is gracious)
- Hardy (Bold; Daring)
- Harlan (Rocky land)
- Harley (Hare meadow)
- Harmon (Soldier)
- Harold (Leader of an army)
- Harrison (Son of Harry)
- Harry (Home ruler)
- Hartley (Stag meadow)
- Harvey (Battle worthy)
- Hassan (Good-looking; Handsome)
- Hayden (Heathen)
- Hayes (Hedge)
- Heath (Wasteland)
- Hector (Hold fast)
- Henry (Home ruler)
- Herbert (Bright army)
- Herman (Soldier; Army man)
- Herschel (Deer)
- Holden (Deep valley)
- Homer (Security, pledge)
- Horace (Timekeeper)
- Howard (High guardian)
- Hubert (Bright-hearted)
- Hudson (Son of Hudd)
- Hugh (Mind; Intellect)
- Hugo (Mind; Intellect)
- Humphrey (Peaceful warrior)
- Hunter (One who hunts)
- Huxley (Hugh’s meadow)
- Hyatt (High gate)
- Hyde (From the hide)
- Hyman (Life)
- Harper (Harp player)
- Harlin (Grey land)
- Harrell (Army ruler)
- Haskell (Hare’s nook)
- Hawthorn (Where hawthorn trees grow)
- Hernando (Adventurous)
- Herve (Army warrior)
- Huxley (Inhospitable place)
- Iago (Supplanter)
- Ian (God is gracious)
- Ibsen (Son of Ib)
- Idris (Interpreter)
- Igor (Warrior)
- Ike (He will laugh)
- Imran (Prosperity)
- Indy (Independent or Indian)
- Ingram (Raven of peace)
- Inigo (Fiery–or a cat name for fans of The Princess Bride)
- Ira (Watchful)
- Irvin (Green water)
- Irving (Green water)
- Isaac (He will laugh)
- Isaiah (Salvation of the Lord)
- Ishmael (God will hear)
- Ivan (God is gracious)
- Ives (Young archer)
- Ivor (Bow warrior)
- Izzy (God is my oath)
- Jace (Healer)
- Jack (God is gracious)
- Jackson (Son of Jack)
- Jacob (Supplanter)
- Jaden (God has heard)
- Jagger (Carter)
- Jaiden (Thankful)
- Jake (God is gracious)
- Jalen (Calm or tranquil)
- Jamal (Beauty)
- James (Supplanter)
- Jared (Descending)
- Jarvis (Spear servant)
- Jasper (Bringer of treasure)
- Javier (New house)
- Jay (Jaybird)
- Jayden (Thankful)
- Jaylen (Jaybird)
- Jayson (Healer)
- Jed (Beloved of the Lord)
- Jefferson (Son of Jeffrey)
- Jeffrey (God’s peace)
- Jensen (Son of Jens)
- Jeremiah (Exalted of the Lord)
- Jeremy (God will uplift)
- Jerome (Sacred name)
- Jesse (Gift)
- Jethro (Excellence)
- Jet (Jet black)
- Jett (Black gemstone)
- Jevin (Youthful)
- Jiles (Goat)
- Jim (Supplanter)
- Jimmy (Supplanter)
- Joaquin (God will establish)
- Job (Persecuted)
- Jody (Jehovah increases)
- Joe (God will add)
- Joel (Jehovah is God)
- John (God is gracious)
- Jonah (Dove)
- Jonathan (God has given)
- Jordan (To flow down)
- Joseph (He will add)
- Josh (God is salvation)
- Joshua (God is salvation)
- Josiah (God supports)
- Jovan (God is gracious)
- Jude (Praised)
- Kaden (Companion)
- Kai (Sea)
- Kaiden (Fighter)
- Kale (Man)
- Kaleb (Devotion to God)
- Kalvin (Bald)
- Kameron (Crooked nose)
- Kane (Warrior)
- Karl (Free man)
- Karson (Son of Kar)
- Kasey (Vigilant in war)
- Keagan (Small flame)
- Keaton (Place of hawks)
- Keegan (Descendant of Aodhagán, a name that means fiery)
- Keith (Woodland)
- Kellan (Slender)
- Kelly (Warrior)
- Kelsey (Island of ships)
- Kelvin (River man)
- Kendall (Valley of the river Kent)
- Kendrick (Royal ruler)
- Kennedy (Helmeted chief)
- Kenneth (Handsome)
- Kenny (Handsome)
- Kent (High or coastal land)
- Kenyon (Blond)
- Keon (God is gracious)
- Kerry (Dark-haired)
- Kevin (Kind, gentle)
- Kian (Ancient)
- Kiefer (Barrel maker)
- Kieran (Little dark one)
- Killian (Little church)
- Kimball (War leader)
- Kingsley (King’s meadow)
- Kingston (King’s town)
- Kip (Hill)
- Kirby (Church settlement)
- Kirk (Church)
- Kit (Bearer of Christ)
- Klaus (Victory of the people)
- Knute (Knot)
- Kobe (Supplanter)
- Kody (Helper)
- Kolby (Dark-haired)
- Kole (Victory of the people)
- Konrad (Brave counsel)
- Korbin (Raven)
- Kris (Follower of Christ)
- Kurt (Courteous
- Lachlan (From the land of lakes)
- Lamar (Of the sea)
- Lambert (Land bright)
- Lance (Land)
- Landon (Long hill)
- Lane (Path)
- Langston (Long stone)
- Larry (Crowned with laurel)
- Lars (Crowned with laurel)
- Laurence (Crowned with laurel)
- Lawrence (Crowned with laurel)
- Lawson (Son of Lawrence)
- Leander (Lion man)
- Lee (Meadow)
- Leif (Heir)
- Leland (Meadowland)
- Lemuel (Devoted to God)
- Lenard (Strong as a lion)
- Lennon (Small cloak)
- Leo (Lion)
- Leon (Lion)
- Leonard (Strong as a lion)
- Leonardo (Strong as a lion)
- Leroy (The king)
- Leslie (Holly garden)
- Lester (Fortified place)
- Levi (Joined, attached)
- Lewis (Famous warrior)
- Liam (Strong-willed warrior)
- Lincoln (Lakeside colony)
- Linden (Linden tree hill)
- Lionel (Young lion)
- Lloyd (Grey)
- Logan (Small hollow)
- Lonnie (Ready for battle)
- Lorenzo (Crowned with laurel)
- Louie (Famous warrior)
- Louis (Famous warrior)
- Lowell (Young wolf)
- Lucas (Light)
- Lucian (Light)
- Lucien (Light)
- Ludwig (Famous warrior)
- Luigi (Famous warrior)
- Lukas (Light)
- Luke (Light)
- Luther (People army)
- Lyle (The island)
- Lysander (Liberator)
- Lyndon (Linden tree hill)
- Maddox (Son of Madoc)
- Magnus (Great)
- Malachi (My messenger)
- Malcolm (Devotee of Saint Columba)
- Malik (King)
- Manny (God is with us)
- Manuel (God is with us)
- Marc (Warlike)
- Marcel (Little warrior)
- Marcus (Warlike)
- Marek (Warlike)
- Mario (Sailor)
- Mark (Warlike)
- Marlin (Sea fortress)
- Marshall (Horse servant)
- Martin (Warrior of Mars)
- Mason (Worker in stone)
- Mateo (Gift of God)
- Mathew (Gift of God)
- Matt (Gift of God)
- Matthew (Gift of God)
- Maurice (Dark-skinned)
- Max (Greatest)
- Maximilian (Greatest)
- Maximus (Greatest)
- Maxwell (Great stream)
- Mayer (Bringer of light)
- Melvin (Gentle lord)
- Merritt (Boundary gate)
- Micah (Who is like God?)
- Michael (Who is like God?)
- Miguel (Who is like God?)
- Mike (Who is like God?)
- Miles (Soldier)
- Milo (Merciful)
- Mitchell (Who is like God?)
- Moe (Saved)
- Montgomery (Mountain of the powerful man)
- Monty (Mountain)
- Mordecai (Warrior)
- Morgan (Sea circle)
- Morris (Dark-skinned)
- Moses (Saved from the water)
- Murray (Seaman)
- Myron (Myrrh)
- Myles (Soldier)
- Mylo (Merciful)
- Mack (Son of)
- Marvin (Sea hill)
- Nash (By the ash tree)
- Nasir (Helper, supporter)
- Nathan (He gave)
- Nathaniel (Gift of God)
- Neal (Champion)
- Ned (Wealthy guardian)
- Neil (Champion)
- Nelson (Son of Neil)
- Nemo (Nobody)
- Nestor (Homecoming)
- Neville (New village)
- Newman (Newcomer)
- Newton (New town)
- Niall (Champion)
- Nicholas (Victory of the people)
- Nick (Victory of the people)
- Nico (Victory of the people)
- Nicolas (Victory of the people)
- Nigel (Champion)
- Nikolai (Victory of the people)
- Niles (Son of Neil)
- Nino (Dreamer)
- Noah (Rest, comfort)
- Noam (Pleasantness)
- Noe (Rest, comfort)
- Nolan (Champion)
- Norbert (Northern brightness)
- Norman (Man from the north)
- Norris (Northerner)
- Norton (Northern town)
- Norwood (Northern forest)
- Nyle (Champion)
- Napoleon (Lion of the forest dell)
- Narcissus (Self-love, daffodil)
- Nashua (Between two rivers)
- Nasser (Victorious)
- Navin (New)
- Neale (Champion)
- Nelson (Son of Neil)
- Nero (Strong, vigorous)
- Nestor (Homecoming)
- Nevin (Sacred, little saint)
- Newton (New town)
- Nikita (Unconquered)
- Niklaus (Victory of the people)
- Nimrod (The rebel)
- Niran (Eternal)
- Oakley (Oak wood or clearing)
- Oberon (Noble or royal bear)
- Obi (Heart)
- Ocean (The sea)
- Octavio (Eighth)
- Oded (Encourager)
- Odell (Woad hill)
- Odin (Frenzy, rage, inspiration)
- Odysseus (Wrathful)
- Ogden (Oak tree valley)
- Ole (Ancestor)
- Oleg (Holy)
- Oliver (Olive tree)
- Olivier (Olive tree)
- Ollie (Olive tree)
- Omar (Life, flourishing)
- Omega (The end)
- Onyx (A type of gemstone)
- Oran (Light)
- Oren (Pine tree)
- Orion (Boundary or limit)
- Orlando (Famous land)
- Orson (Bear cub)
- Orval (Golden village)
- Orville (Golden city)
- Osborn (God bear)
- Oscar (Friend of deer)
- Osmond (God’s protection)
- Osric (Godly ruler)
- Osvaldo (God power)
- Oswald (God’s power)
- Oswin (God’s friend)
- Otis (Wealthy)
- Otto (Wealth)
- Ovid (Sheep)
- Owen (Young warrior)
- Oxford (Oxen crossing)
- Oz (Strength)
- Ozzy (God’s power)
- Obed (Servant)
- Octavius (Eighth)
- Odhran (Little pale green one)
- Olaf (Ancestor)
- Omarion (Life)
- Osgood (A divine creator)
- Osiris (Egyptian god of the underworld)
- Othello (Wealthy)
- Otho (Wealthy)
- Ozias (Salvation)
- Pablo (Small)
- Pace (Peace)
- Paco (Free one)
- Paden (Royal)
- Paige (Young servant)
- Palmer (Pilgrim)
- Pancho (Free one)
- Parker (Park keeper)
- Parrish (Neighborhood)
- Patrick (Nobleman)
- Paul (Small)
- Pax (Peace)
- Paxton (Peace town)
- Payton (Warrior’s estate)
- Pearce (Rock)
- Pedro (Rock)
- Percival (Pierce the vale)
- Perry (Pear tree)
- Pete (Rock)
- Peter (Rock)
- Peyton (Patrician)
- Phil (Lover of horses)
- Philip (Lover of horses)
- Phoenix (Dark red)
- Pierce (Rock)
- Pierre (Rock)
- Pierson (Son of Piers)
- Porter (Gatekeeper)
- Preston (Priest’s town)
- Prince (Principal one)
- Princeton (Prince’s town)
- Pryor (Monk’s superior)
- Ptolemy (Aggressive, warlike)
- Puck (Mischievous fairy)
- Purdy (Beautiful)
- Purvis (Provisioner)
- Pascal (Of Easter)
- Pascual (Relating to Easter)
- Patton (Warrior’s town)
- Pavel (Small)
- Paxten (Peace town)
- Penn (Hill)
- Perceval (Pierce the vale)
- Percy (Pierce valley)
- Perseus (Destroyer)
- Phelan (Like a wolf)
- Phineas (Oracle)
- Pierce (Son of Piers)
- Prescott (Priest’s cottage)
- Qadir (Capable, competent)
- Qadri (Relating to divine fate)
- Qamar (Moon)
- Qasim (One who distributes)
- Quade (Scottish clan name)
- Quaid (Fourth)
- Quarry (Stone pit)
- Quartz (A precious stone)
- Quasar (A type of celestial object)
- Quay (A landing place on water)
- Quentin (Fifth)
- Quest (A journey or adventure)
- Quibby (Form of Jacob; supplanter)
- Quigley (Maternal side)
- Quill (A feather or writing instrument)
- Quillan (Cub)
- Quillon (Crossing swords)
- Quin (Fifth)
- Quincy (Estate of the fifth son)
- Quinlan (Fit, strong, handsome)
- Quinn (Wisdom, reason)
- Quint (Fifth)
- Quinten (Fifth)
- Quintin (Fifth)
- Quinton (Queen’s manor)
- Quintus (Fifth)
- Quirin (Spear)
- Quirino (Warrior with a spear)
- Quixote (Name from literature, Don Quixote)
- Qusay (Distant)
- Qwyn (Variant of Quinn; wisdom, reason)
- Rafael (God has healed)
- Ragnar (Warrior or judgment)
- Rahul (Conqueror of all obstacles)
- Raiden (God of thunder)
- Rainer (Wise warrior)
- Raleigh (Meadow of deer)
- Ralph (Wolf counsel)
- Ramiro (Judicious)
- Ramsay (Wild garlic island)
- Ranbir (The brave warrior in battle)
- Randall (Shield wolf)
- Randolph (Shield wolf)
- Ranger (Forest guardian)
- Raphael (God has healed)
- Rashad (Good judgement)
- Rasmus (Beloved)
- Raul (Wolf counsel)
- Ray (Counsel protection)
- Raymond (Counsel protection)
- Reagan (Little king)
- Reece (Ardor)
- Reed (Red)
- Reese (Ardor)
- Regan (Little king)
- Reginald (Counsel power)
- Reid (Red)
- Reign (Rule, sovereignty)
- Remington (From the raven estate)
- Remus (Swift)
- Ren (Lotus)
- Rene (Reborn)
- Rex (King)
- Rey (King)
- Reyes (Kings)
- Reynard (Strong counsel)
- Reynold (King’s advisor)
- Rhett (Advice)
- Rhodes (From the clearing in the woods)
- Rhys (Enthusiasm)
- Rian (Little king)
- Ricardo (Brave ruler)
- Richard (Brave power)
- Rick (Brave power)
- Rider (Horseman)
- Rigby (Ridge farm)
- Riley (Rye clearing)
- Rio (River)
- Ripley (Meadow near the river)
- River (River)
- Robert (Bright fame)
- Sable (Black)
- Sacha (Defender of man)
- Sage (Wise and judicious)
- Salem (Peace)
- Salim (Safe, undamaged)
- Salvador (Savior)
- Sam (Asked of God)
- Samson (Sun)
- Samuel (Name of God)
- Sander (Defender of man)
- Santino (Little saint)
- Sasha (Defender of mankind)
- Saturn (Roman God of agriculture)
- Saul (Asked for)
- Sawyer (Woodcutter)
- Saxon (Swordsman)
- Sayer (Woodworker)
- Scarlett (Bright red)
- Scorpio (Scorpion – a zodiac sign)
- Scott (From Scotland)
- Seamus (Supplanter)
- Sean (God is gracious)
- Sebastian (Revered)
- Sedrick (Gift of splendor)
- Selwyn (Friend in the palace)
- Sergei (Servant)
- Seth (Appointed)
- Severin (Stern)
- Seymour (Marshy land near the sea)
- Shane (God is gracious)
- Shawn (God is gracious)
- Shea (Admirable)
- Sheldon (Steep valley)
- Sherlock (Fair-haired)
- Sherman (Shearer of woolen cloth)
- Sherwin (Bright friend)
- Silas (Wood, forest)
- Silvester (Wild)
- Simon (He who hears)
- Sinclair (Prayer)
- Skyler (Scholar)
- Slade (Valley)
- Solomon (Peace)
- Spencer (Steward)
- Stanley (Stony meadow)
- Stefan (Crown)
- Sterling (High quality)
- Steve (Crown)
- Steven (Crown)
- Stewart (House guardian)
- Tabor (Drummer)
- Taddeo (Praise)
- Tadeo (Praise)
- Tahoe (Edge of the lake)
- Taj (Crown)
- Talon (Large claw of a bird of prey)
- Tanner (Leather worker)
- Tarek (Morning star)
- Tariq (Morning star)
- Tate (Cheerful)
- Tatum (Brings joy)
- Taurean (Like a bull)
- Taurus (Bull)
- Tavin (Royal staff)
- Tavish (Twin)
- Taylor (Tailor)
- Taz (Crown)
- Teddy (Wealthy protector)
- Teo (God)
- Terrence (Tender, gracious)
- Thaddeus (Heart)
- Thane (Clan chieftain)
- Theo (Divine gift)
- Theodore (Gift of God)
- Theron (Hunter)
- Thomas (Twin)
- Thor (Thunder)
- Thornton (Thorn town)
- Thorpe (Village)
- Thurston (Thor’s stone)
- Tiberius (Of the Tiber river)
- Tiernan (Little lord)
- Tiger (Powerful and energetic)
- Timothy (Honoring God)
- Titus (Title of honor)
- Tobias (God is good)
- Tobin (Tobias’s kin)
- Toby (God is good)
- Tolliver (Metalworker)
- Tomas (Twin)
- Tomlin (Little twin)
- Tony (Priceless one)
- Topaz (A type of gemstone)
- Torian (Chief)
- Travis (Crossing)
- Trent (Gushing waters)
- Trevor (Big village)
- Tristan (Tumult)
- Troy (Foot soldier)
- Tucker (Softener of cloth)
- Ubaldo (Bold and brave)
- Uberto (Bright mind)
- Udall (Yew tree valley)
- Uday (To rise)
- Udell (Yew tree valley)
- Ugo (Mind, heart, spirit)
- Ulric (Wolf ruler)
- Ulrik (Wolf power)
- Ulster (Province in Northern Ireland)
- Ulysses (Wrathful)
- Umar (Life)
- Umberto (Renowned warrior)
- Umi (Servant)
- Urban (From the city)
- Uri (My light)
- Uriah (God is my light)
- Uriel (God is my light)
- Urijah (God is my light)
- Urso (Bear)
- Usher (Doorkeeper)
- Usman (Baby bustard)
- Uther (Terrible)
- Uziel (God is my strength)
- Uzziah (Strength of the Lord)
- Upton (Upper town)
- Upwood (Upper forest)
- Uranus (Sky)
- Urbanus (From the city)
- Urek (Farmer)
- Urial (Light of God)
- Urien (Privileged birth)
- Urit (Light)
- Urjasz (Strong as a bear)
- Urmston (From the elm tree farm)
- Uroš (Man, sir)
- Urry (Net)
- Urs (Bear)
- Ursino (Little bear)
- Urson (Bear)
- Usher (Doorkeeper)
- Usko (Faith)
- Ustin (From the east)
- Uther (Terrible)
- Utley (From the upper meadow)
- Uttam (Best)
- Utz (Wealth)
- Uve (Son of Adam)
- Uwe (Rich, wealthy)
- Uwo (Rich)
- Uziel (God is my strength)
- Vader (Father)
- Val (Strong, healthy)
- Valentino (Brave, strong)
- Valerian (Strong)
- Valerio (To be strong)
- Valiant (Brave)
- Vance (Marshland)
- Vander (From the family of)
- Vandyke (From the dike)
- Vanir (A group of Norse gods)
- Varden (Green knoll)
- Varek (From the fortress)
- Vargas (Dweller by the hills)
- Varian (Variable)
- Varius (Changeable)
- Vasco (Crow)
- Vasilis (King)
- Vassar (Male servant)
- Vaughn (Small)
- Vedder (Man from the fen)
- Veer (Brave)
- Vegas (Meadows)
- Veldon (Green hill)
- Vern (Youthful)
- Verner (Defending army)
- Vernon (Alder tree)
- Verrell (Honest)
- Verrill (Honest)
- Vesper (Evening star)
- Vester (From the forest)
- Vic (Conqueror)
- Vicente (Conquering)
- Victor (Conqueror)
- Vidal (Life)
- Viggo (War)
- Vikram (Bravery)
- Vilhelm (Determined protector)
- Vince (Conquering)
- Vincent (Conquering)
- Vinnie (Conquering)
- Virgil (Staff bearer)
- Viridian (Green)
- Vishal (Great)
- Vitas (Life)
- Vito (Life)
- Vlad (To rule)
- Vladimir (Famous ruler)
- Voltaire (Young army)
- Von (Hope)
- Vulcan (God of fire in Roman mythology)
- Wade (River crossing)
- Walden (Wooded valley)
- Waldo (Rule)
- Waldron (Ruler)
- Walker (Cloth walker or fuller)
- Wallace (Foreigner, stranger)
- Walter (Army ruler)
- Walton (Walled town)
- Ward (Guardian)
- Warner (Army guard)
- Warren (Park keeper)
- Warwick (Dairy farm by a river)
- Washington
- Watson (Son of Walter)
- Waylon (Land by the road)
- Wayne (Wagon maker)
- Webster (Weaver)
- Weldon (Hill near a spring)
- Wells (From the spring)
- Wendell (Wanderer)
- Werner (Army protector)
- Wes (Western meadow)
- Wesley (Western meadow)
- Weston (From the western town)
- Whitaker (White field)
- Whitman (White man–or perhaps a name for a cream colored cat!)
- Wilbur (Fortified)
- Wilder (Untamed, wild animal)
- Wilford (Willow-ford)
- Wilfred (Desiring peace)
- Will (Desire, helmet protection)
- William (Resolute protector)
- Willis (Son of Will)
- Wilson (Son of Will)
- Wilton (Farm by the spring)
- Winchester (From the royal fortress)
- Windsor (Riverbank with a windlass)
- Winston (Joy stone)
- Wiz (Short for wizard)
- Wolfrik (Wolf ruler)
- Wolfgang (Wolf path)
- Woodrow (Row of houses by the wood)
- Woodson (Son of Wood)
- Woody (Row of houses by the wood)
- Wright (Carpenter)
- Wylie (Crafty)
- Wyman (Warrior)
- Wynton (Friend’s settlement)
- Wystan (Battle stone)
- Wythe (From the willow tree)
- Wyzard (A surname that means wise ruler)
- Xabi (New house)
- Xachary (God remembers)
- Xaden (Fighter)
- Xadrian (Dark one)
- Xander (Defender of the people)
- Xandro (Defender of the people)
- Xane (God is gracious)
- Xanthos (Golden or fair-haired)
- Xanti (Name of a saint)
- Xanto (Golden)
- Xarles (Manly)
- Xavier (The new house)
- Xavion (New house)
- Xenon (Foreigner, guest)
- Xenos (Stranger)
- Xerxes (Ruler over heroes)
- Xiang (Good luck, fortunate)
- Ximen (Listening)
- Ximenes (Listener)
- Xoan (God is gracious)
- Xochipilli (Flower prince – Aztec mythology)
- Xolani (Peace)
- Xylon (From the forest)
- Xymon (He has heard)
- Xylo (Wood)
- Xander (Defender of the people)
- Xylander (Forest man)
- Xzavier (Bright, splendid)
- Xander (Defender of mankind)
- Xiomar (Famous in battle)
- Xabier (New house or bright)
- Xadrian (Of the Adriatic)
- Xael (Sea strength)
- Xagan (A form of “Sagan” meaning “wise one”)
- Xairo (Charitable)
- Xakery (God remembers)
- Xalvador (Savior)
- Xamir (Well-known, famous)
- Xandro (Defender of the people)
- Xane (God is gracious)
- Xanthus (Golden-haired)
- Xavion (Owns a new home)
- Xerx (A short form of Xerxes, means ruler)
- Xylon (Greek name meaning from the forest)
- Yael (Mountain Goat)
- Yager (Hunter)
- Yahir (He will enlighten)
- Yair (He will enlighten)
- Yale (Old)
- Yan (Swallow bird)
- Yancey (Englishman)
- Yancy (Englishman)
- Yandel (Created name)
- Yanni (God is gracious)
- Yanis (God is gracious)
- Yannick (God is gracious)
- Yannis (God is gracious)
- Yardley (Enclosed meadow)
- Yarin (To sing)
- Yaritza (Water lady)
- Yariv (He will contend)
- Yaron (To sing, to shout)
- Yash (Fame, Glory)
- Yashar (Upright, Righteous)
- Yavin (Understanding)
- Yazid (Becoming greater)
- Yefim (Well-spoken)
- Yegor (Farmer)
- Yehuda (Praise)
- Yelverton (Farm of the swarthy one)
- Yeriel (God has seen)
- Yesenia (Flower)
- Yestin (Just)
- Yeti (Abominable Snowman, could be a fun name for a fluffy white cat!)
- Yianni (God is gracious)
- Yitzhak (He will laugh)
- Yngve (King)
- Ynyr (Hero)
- Yoav (God is father)
- Yogi (One who practices yoga)
- Yohan (God is gracious)
- Yohann (God is gracious)
- Yoni (Dove)
- York (From the Yew tree estate)
- Yosef (He will add)
- Yoshi (Good, Respectable)
- Yotam (God is perfect)
- Youcef (God will increase)
- Yule (Born at Christmas)
- Yuri (Farmer)
- Yusuf (God will add)
- Yves (Yew wood)
- Zaan (One who is hopeful)
- Zabar (Gifted)
- Zabdiel (Gift from God)
- Zabulon (Exaltation or little dwelling)
- Zacchaeus (Pure, Innocent)
- Zaccheo (Pure)
- Zach (God remembers)
- Zachariah (God remembers)
- Zachary (God remembers)
- Zack (God remembers)
- Zadok (Just, righteous)
- Zafar (Victory)
- Zagan (King of the East – in demonology)
- Zahi (Bright, shining)
- Zahid (Self-denying, abstinent)
- Zahur (Flower)
- Zaid (Growth, abundance)
- Zaide (Growing, increasing)
- Zain (Beauty, grace)
- Zair (Pilgrim)
- Zaire (River)
- Zakai (Pure)
- Zaki (Pure)
- Zakir (One who remembers)
- Zale (Sea strength)
- Zalman (Peaceful, quiet)
- Zamir (Songbird)
- Zander (Defender of the people)
- Zane (God is gracious)
- Zaphkiel (Angel of understanding)
- Zared (Trap)
- Zarek (God protect the king)
- Zarif (Elegant, witty)
- Zavier (New house)
- Zayd (Growth, abundance)
- Zayne (God is gracious)
- Zebedee (Gift from God)
- Zebulon (Dwelling, habitation)
- Zed (God is righteousness)
- Zeke (God strengthens)
- Zelig (Blessed, happy)
- Zeno (Gift of Zeus)
- Zephyr (West wind)
- Zerach (Rising of light)
- Zev (Wolf)
- Ziggy (Victorious protector)
- Zion (Highest point)
- Ziv (Brightness, radiance)
- Zoltan (King)
- Zoran (Dawn)
Tips for Naming Your Male Cat
Take plenty of time in choose a name for your new cat–you want to select a name both you and he will love!
One tip is to choose a name that your cat can easily recognize. Cats generally respond better to shorter names, typically one to two syllables. These names are easier for them to discern from the ambient sounds in their environment.
Additionally, choosing a name with a strong consonant can help grab your cat’s attention more efficiently. For instance, names that start with a “T”, “K”, or “D” might be more discernible for your feline friend.
Secondly, the personality and appearance of your cat should play a vital role in the naming process. Observing your cat’s behavior and physical characteristics can provide inspiration.
For example, a cat with a calm demeanor might suit a name like “Zen”, whereas a feisty, energetic cat might be more suited to a name like “Blitz”. Similarly, if your cat has distinctive physical characteristics, like striking eyes or unusual fur patterns, you might consider naming them after that attribute.
Another tip is to consider the cultural significance or meanings behind names. You might want to select a name that has a meaning which aligns with your cat’s personality or appearance. For example, choosing a name like “Leo”, which signifies lion – a symbol of strength and courage, could be fitting for a brave, fearless cat. Moreover, names derived from literature, mythology, or history can add a layer of depth and richness to your pet’s identity.
Furthermore, you might want to consider the versatility and adaptability of the name. As you spend more time with your cat, you might find yourself coming up with nicknames or shortened versions of the original name. Hence, it’s beneficial to choose a name that can adapt over time or has potential variations. For instance, the name “Oliver” can be affectionately shortened to “Ollie”, adapting to a more playful interaction with your pet.
Lastly, while it’s essential to think about all these different factors, the most important tip is to select a name that resonates with you personally. The bond between you and your new cat is unique, and the name you choose should reflect this special relationship. Trust your instincts and choose a name that feels right for both you and your new feline companion!
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