Has the thought of choosing the wrong name for a new feline family member turned you into a scaredy cat? If you love fright flicks and felines, we can help you escape that nightmare. We’ve scared up a monster list of horror movie cat names!

Villain and Hero Cats from Horror Movies
Blanche— The white Persian from the Japanese 70s cult classic Hausu.
Church — A nickname for Winston Churchill, the Maine Coon who helped to unleash terror in the movie adaptation of Stephen King’s Pet Sematary. (Fun fact: Church was portrayed in the cinematic remake by five rescue cats, all of whom found forever homes once filming wrapped!)
Cleo— Film fans may not recognize the name, but those who read the novelization for the 1999 rendition of The Mummy will know that the white feline who frightened Imhotep was called Cleo.
Clovis— Along with cats who wreak havoc in horror movies, there are also some heroes, such as the tabby from the Stephen King flick Sleepwalkers. A feline actor named Sparks stepped into the role of the courageous kitty who saves the day.
General— The intrepid tabby who traverses through three terrifying tales in Stephen King’s Cat’s Eye.
Jezebel— A tuxedo cat played a prominent role alongside such stars as Burgess Merideth, Chris Sarandon and Ava Gardner in the devilishly clever 1977 fright flick The Sentinel.
Jonesy— AKA Jones, this intrepid orange tabby survived being trapped in a spaceship with a xenomorph in Aliens. (Fun fact: Fans of fright flicks and felines can follow further adventures of Ripley’s sidekick in the tongue-in-cheek illustrated novel Jonesy: Nine Lives on The Nostromo.) One of the more popular horror movie cat names.
Mar— In the original Japanese version of The Grudge, Mar was a black cat whose spirit still lingered in the house where he lost the last of his lives.
Pyewacket— We will be the first to admit that Bell, Book and Candle is not a horror movie, but how could we resist including the cat who helped to bring Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart together in the 1958 flick– and won a PATSY Award for his acting prowess in the process?
Thackery Binx— Hocus Pocus isn’t exactly a frightening film, either, but no list of cats from movies with at least a few scares would be complete without a mention of the boy-turned-black cat.
Animal Villains
Ben– A young Michael Jackson may have sung a sweet ballad about the bond between a boy and his rat, but don’t let the tune from Ben, the sequel to the 1971 horror movie Willard, fool you…
Cujo— Does your cat seem to act like a canine? You might want to name him after this rabid Rover, who was brought to life by author Stephen King.
George Jr., Gracie, Martha, Max— The crocodiles from the Lake Placid film franchise, which combined giggling with gore.
Jaws— This ruler of the waves has brought fear to the hearts of beach goers since 1977. If you want to show that you are a true Spielberg buff, you could name your little “land shark” Bruce, the director’s nickname for the mechanical menace from the deep!
Meg— Short for megalodon, the prehistoric shark that battles Jason Statham’s character in The Meg.

Classic Horror Names for Cats
You don’t have to wait for Halloween to send chills up your spine with these spooky names!
- Babadook— The Babadook
- Candyman
- Carrie
- Count Orlock— Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror
- Damien— The Omen
- Dracula

- Frankenstein
- Frank-N-Furter— The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Ghostface— Scream
- Jason Voorhees— Friday The 13th
- Jigsaw— Saw
- Elly Kedward— The Blair Witch Project
- Freddy Krueger— A Nightmare on Elm Street
- Leatherface– The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
- Samara Morgan— The Ring
- Michael Myers— Halloween
- Nosferatu
- Pazuzu— The Exorcist
- Pennywise— It
- Phantom— The Phantom of The Opera
- Pinhead— Hellraiser
- Regan— The Exorcist
- Jack Torrance—The Shining
- Tiffany Valentine-– Bride of Chucky
- Annie Wilkes— Misery
- Wolf Man
Doll Villains in Horror Movies
These dolls are no Barbie!
- Annabelle
- Brahms— The Boy
- Chucky— Child’s Play
- M3gan
- Robert
- Sabrina
Words Associated with Horror Movies
Do any of these words commonly associated with horror movies inspire a name for your new sidekick?
- Abandoned
- Apparition
- Blood
- Cemetery
- Chainsaw
- Demonic
- Desolate
- Eerie
- Foggy
- Fright
- Ghoul
- Gruesome
- Haunting
- Inhuman
- Isolation
- Jinx
- Jumpscares
- Kill
- Knives
- Labyrinth
- Lunacy
- Monster
- Nightmare
- Omen
- Paranormal
- Queasy
- Ritual
- Scream
- Shriek
- Supernatural
- Terror
- Unholy
- Voodoo
- Witchy
- Yeti
- Zombie
Classic Horror Movie Actors
Linda Blair-– She may have portrayed a girl possessed by a demon in The Exorcist, but in real life the actress is a guardian angel for animals in need through The Linda Blair Worldheart Foundation.
Lon Chaney Jr.— This king of screams shared screen time with his dog (a German Shepherd named Moose) in two of his movies– The Wolf Man and Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man.
Tim Curry— The actor who brought Dr. Frank-N-Furter and Pennywise the clown to life has a nickname– The Cheshire Cat! The star has also lent his voice to the animated cat characters Prince in Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties, and The Cat King in The Cat Returns.
Peter Cushing— The same year that he starred as Grand Mof Tarkin in Star Wars, Cushing also appeared on the silver screen in The Uncanny, a horror flick about killer cats who want to rule the world!
Anthony Hopkins— He made our blood run cold as the cannibalistic killer Hannibal Lecter in Silence of The Lambs, but in real life the actor warmed the hearts of his feline-loving fans through his bond with Niblo. A stray tabby whom the star had rescued while filming in Hungary, Niblo gained internet fame during the pandemic thanks to the actor’s entertaining videos.
Boris Karloff— The star of Frankenstein and The Mummy (and the voice of the Grinch in Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas) may have been more of a dog devotee, as he was a pet parent to several Scottish Terriers and Bedlington Terriers, but he seemed to be fond of felines as well. The actor starred alongside Bela Lugosi in the movie The Black Cat, and can be seen in an old movie reel enjoying the company of a clowder of kitties with inky-colored coats, who were all vying for the title role of the fright flick.
Elsa Lanchester— The “Bride of Frankenstein” would go on to star alongside a Siamese in the Disney classic That Darn Cat!
Christopher Lee— Did you know that the Dracula star was once a pet parent to a tabby he named Renfield?
Peter Lorre— Although dogs (among them a St. Bernard and an Airedale) starred alongside the actor in real life, on the silver screen Lorre co-starred with Siamese cats in The Mask of Dimitrios and kitties with dark coats in The Black Cat.
Bela Lugosi— This Prince of Darkness shared his home with a prince of the jungle…a panther! Along with the big cat, Lugosi was also a pet parent to Doberman Pinschers named Hector and Pluto, and a white German Shepherd called Bodri.
Maila Nurmi— A star of the camp classic Plan 9 From Outer Space, the creator of the Vampira TV host persona, and the inspiration for the character of Maleficent, Maila Nurmi enjoyed the friendship of a feline she named Ratface, who saved the actress from a fire!
Vincent Price-– As an actor he made our blood run cold in House of Wax and The Pit and The Pendulum, but thanks to his devotion to animals the late master of the macabre also warms our hearts. The star compiled true tales of his 14-year-old canine companion for The Book of Joe: About a Dog and His Man, and The Vincent Price Family Legacy donates a portion of the book’s proceeds to the Fund for Animals.
Horror Movie Directors
John Carpenter— While working on the score of the 2018 fright flick Halloween, the director let fans know that he had help in the studio from “the fifth Beatle,” aka his black cat, Ward.
Wes Craven— Here’s a fun fact: Wes Craven patterned the razor-claw glove worn by Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare On Elm Street after a cat’s claws! The acclaimed horror director’s muse was none other than his own feline friend, who would sharpen his claws on Craven’s sofa.
Jordan Peele— Who would have guessed that the star and co-writer of the 2016 buddy flick Keanu, which featured a tabby in the title role, would go on to direct such contemporary horror classics as Get Out and Us?
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