In the sun-kissed landscapes of Greece, where ancient gods are remembered in the gentle Aegean breezes, you’ll find a myriad of majestic names. Let’s delve into a world where divine entities, majestic places and mythological creatures inspire enchanting Greek cat names connecting your feline friend to a realm of gods, heroes and enchanting isles.

Greek Gods’ Names for Cats
These deities, revered for various virtues like wisdom, beauty, and strength, provide a rich reservoir of noble and mystical names. Immortalize a bit of the enchanting Greek mythology in your home with a cat name that carries the weight of legends.
Adonis – A god of beauty and desire, this name would be perfect for a handsome, charismatic cat.
Aeolus – The ruler of the winds, a name suited for a cat with a swift or breezy personality.
Ajax – A legendary Greek hero known for his courage and strength, a fitting name for a brave feline, especially a rescue that has been through tough times.
Alcmene – Mother of Hercules, this name might be chosen for a nurturing, motherly cat.
Alectrona – A goddess of the morning or waking up; ideal for a cat that loves to wake you up early in the morning!
Alectryon – A youth who was turned into a rooster; a quirky choice for a cat with a strong personality.
Amphitrite – The sea goddess, a name perfect for a cat with oceanic blue eyes.
Ananke – Goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity; a good choice for a cat with a commanding presence.
Antigone – A figure from Greek tragedy, this name might suit a cat with a dignified beauty.
Apollo – God of the sun, music, and prophecy; a majestic choice for a radiant, regal cat–or a ginger cat who shines as brightly as the sun itself.
Ares – God of war, a strong and bold name for a fearless cat.
Ariadne – A princess known for helping Theseus escape the labyrinth, a clever name for an intelligent cat.
Artemis – Goddess of the hunt, ideal for a cat with a strong hunting instinct.
Asclepius – God of medicine, a fitting name for a healing presence in your home.
Asteria – Goddess of the stars, for a cat with a celestial beauty.
Astraea – A goddess of innocence and purity, suitable for a pure-hearted feline.
Atalanta – A swift-running huntress, perfect for a fast, agile cat.
Athena – Goddess of wisdom and warfare, a fitting name for an intelligent or brave cat.
Atlas – The Titan who held up the sky, a strong, sturdy name for a cat.
Bia – Goddess of force and power, for a feline with a forceful personality.
Boreas – The North Wind, suitable for a cat with a cool, detached demeanor.
Briseis – A woman of great beauty in Greek mythology, for a truly beautiful cat.
Calliope – Muse of epic poetry, a creative and inspiring name for a cat.
Callisto – A nymph transformed into a bear, this name suits a cat with a bear-like or wild appearance.
Calypso – A nymph who kept Odysseus on her island; a mesmerizing name for a captivating cat.
Cassandra – A prophetess who was never believed, for a cat with an enigmatic, mysterious demeanor.
Cerberus – The three-headed dog guarding the Underworld, a strong, protective name for a guard cat.
Ceto – A marine goddess, for a cat with a graceful, fluid demeanor.
Chaos – The void state preceding the creation of the universe, a name for a cat with a wild, unpredictable personality.
Charon – The ferryman of the Underworld, a serious, dignified name for a cat with a mysterious aura.
Chione – Goddess of snow, a pristine name for a white, snow-like cat.
Chloris – Goddess of flowers, a sweet and gentle name for a beautiful cat.
Chronos – God of time, a majestic name for a cat with a timeless beauty.
Circe – A sorceress who transformed men into animals, for a cat with a magical, enchanting personality.
Clio – Muse of history, a thoughtful name for a cat with a wise demeanor.
Clotho – One of the Fates, who spun the thread of life, a good name for a cat with a nurturing personality.
Creon – A king of Thebes, a royal name for a cat with a kingly demeanor.
Crius – One of the Titans, representing the heavenly constellations, a celestial name for a feline.
Cybele – A mother goddess of the Earth, suitable for a nurturing, motherly cat.
Daphne – A nymph who turned into a laurel tree, a nature-inspired name for a graceful cat.
Deianira – The wife of Hercules, a strong name for a loyal, loving cat.
Demeter – Goddess of the harvest, a nurturing name for a cat who brings abundance into your life.
Dionysus – God of wine and festivity, a jubilant name for a cat who brings joy and celebration into your life.
Doris – A sea nymph, a flowing, graceful name for a cat with a fluid grace.
Echo – A nymph who could only repeat words, a quirky name for a cat with a vocal, echoing meow.
Eileithyia – Goddess of childbirth, a nurturing name for a mother cat.
Electra – A figure from Greek tragedy, a dramatic name for a cat with a tragic, regal beauty.
Eos – Goddess of the dawn, perfect for a cat that loves to start the day early with you. A beautiful three-letter cat name.
Epimetheus – A Titan and brother of Prometheus, this name would suit a curious, somewhat impulsive cat. (Or a fun set of twin names to use with Prometheus if you adopt sibling cats!)
Erato – Muse of love poetry, a great name for a cat that inspires affection and adoration.
Erebus – Personification of darkness; this name might suit a dark-furred or mysterious feline.
Eris – Goddess of strife and discord, for a cat with a feisty or mischievous personality.
Eros – God of love and attraction, a perfect name for a loveable, attractive cat. One of the most popular four-letter cat names.
Euterpe – Muse of music, suitable for a cat with a melodious purr or meow.
Europa – A Phoenician princess in Greek mythology, this name could suit a regal and graceful cat.
Eurydice – A figure from Greek mythology, associated with a tragic love story, a name fit for a cat with a tragic beauty.
Gaia – Mother Earth in Greek mythology, a great name for a nurturing, grounding presence in your home.
Galatea – A sea nymph, suitable for a cat with a fluid, graceful personality.
Ganymede – A mortal who became the cupbearer of the gods, for a cat with a regal, dignified demeanor.
Hecate – Goddess of magic and witchcraft, suitable for a cat with a mysterious, magical personality.
Hector – A Trojan prince and warrior, a strong, brave name for a feline.
Helen – Of Trojan war fame, this name might suit a cat with a breathtaking beauty.
Helios – God of the sun, suitable for a cat with a radiant, sunny personality.
Hephaestus – God of fire and forge, a name for a cat with a fiery spirit or a strong, resilient personality.

Hera – Queen of the gods, a regal name for a cat with a queenly demeanor.
Hermes – Messenger of the gods, suitable for a swift, agile cat.
Hero – A priestess in Greek mythology, this name might suit a cat with a regal, dignified beauty.
Hestia – Goddess of the hearth and home, for a cat that brings warmth and comfort to your home.
Hyperion – A Titan associated with light, a name that suits a cat with a bright, illuminating personality.
Hypnos – God of sleep, suitable for a cat that loves to snooze!
Icarus – Known for flying too close to the sun, this name might be apt for a curious, adventurous cat.
Iris – Goddess of the rainbow, a colorful name for a cat with a vibrant personality or appearance.
Jocasta – A queen in Greek mythology, a royal name for a queenly cat.
Kratos – Personification of strength and power, a strong name for a powerful, robust cat.
Lachesis – One of the Fates, who measured the thread of life, a name for a cat with a wise, measured demeanor.
Leto – Mother of Apollo and Artemis, a nurturing name for a motherly cat.
Maia – A nurturing earth goddess, suitable for a grounded, nurturing cat.
Medea – A sorceress in Greek mythology, a bold name for a cat with a mystical, enchanting personality.
Medusa – A woman transformed into a gorgon, a striking name for a cat with a strong, powerful personality.
Melinoe – A goddess of ghosts, a hauntingly beautiful name for a mysterious cat.
Melpomene – Muse of tragedy, a dramatic name for a cat with a tragic, regal beauty.
Menelaus – A king of Sparta, a kingly name for a regal, powerful cat.
Midas – A king with the ability to turn everything to gold, a golden name for a valuable, precious cat.
Mnemosyne – Goddess of memory, a thoughtful name for a cat with a memorable personality or appearance.
Morpheus – God of dreams, a dreamy name for a cat with a calming, soothing presence.
Narcissus – Known for his beauty, this name would suit a breathtakingly beautiful cat.
Nemesis – Goddess of retribution, a strong, powerful name for a cat with a bold personality.
Nike – Goddess of victory, a victorious name for a triumphant, successful cat.

Nyx – Goddess of the night, a mysterious name for a dark-furred or night-loving cat.
Odysseus – Hero of the Odyssey, a heroic name for an adventurous, brave cat.
Orion – A hunter who was placed among the stars, a celestial name for a star-like cat.
Pandora – The first woman on Earth, a curious name for a curious, explorative cat.
Pan – God of the wild, shepherds, and flocks, a wild, untamed name for a wild-at-heart cat.
Persephone – Queen of the Underworld, a regal name for a queenly, dignified cat.
Phoebe – A Titan associated with the moon, a moonlit name for a night-loving cat.
Poseidon – God of the sea, suitable for a cat with a fluid, graceful personality or ocean-blue eyes.
Psyche – A mortal woman who became the goddess of the soul; this name might suit a cat with a deep, soulful gaze.
Rhea – The mother of many Olympian gods and goddesses, this name is great for a nurturing, motherly cat.
Selene – Goddess of the moon, a name befitting a cat with a gentle, moon-like beauty or a night prowler.
Styx – A river in the underworld and a deity; it might suit a mysterious, dark-furred cat.
Tartarus – A deity representing a deep abyss where Titans were imprisoned, a name for a cat with an abyss-like depth in its eyes.
Terpsichore – Muse of dance, a lovely choice for a graceful, agile cat who moves with a dance-like elegance.
Thalia – Muse of comedy, a name suitable for a cat with a playful, comedic personality.
Thanatos – The god of non-violent death, a serious, solemn name for a cat with a silent, serene demeanor.
Theia – Titaness of sight and the shining light of the clear blue sky, a name fitting for a cat with bright, sky-blue eyes.
Themis – Titaness of divine law and order, a name befitting a cat with a dignified, orderly personality.
Thetis – A sea nymph known for her shifting shape, a name for a cat with a fluid, graceful nature.
Tiresias – A blind prophet who could see the future, this name would suit a wise, foreseeing cat.

Triton – A god of the sea, the messenger of the deep, a name befitting a cat with a fluid grace or deep, oceanic eyes.
Tyche – Goddess of fortune and prosperity, a name for a cat who brings luck and prosperity into your home.
Typhon – A monstrous serpentine giant, this name might be chosen for a cat with a fierce, powerful personality.
Urania – Muse of astronomy, a suitable name for a cat with a celestial beauty or an interest in stargazing.
Uranus – The god of the heavens, a celestial name for a cat with a heavenly beauty or majestic demeanor.
Zephyrus – The god of the west wind, a good choice for a cat with a gentle, breezy personality.
Zelus – The god of dedication and emulation, a name befitting a dedicated, attentive cat.
Zagreus – An ancient god of hunting and rebirth, this name could be chosen for a cat with a hunting instinct and a strong spirit of resilience.
Zephyr – Representing the west wind, a great choice for a cat with a breezy, gentle personality.
Zeus – King of the gods, a majestic, kingly name for a dominant, regal cat.
Ancient Greeks
Sure, here’s a list of 20 ancient Greeks in alphabetical order:
- Aeschylus: A preeminent playwright, known for his tragedy plays.
- Anaxagoras: A philosopher who introduced the concept of Nous (mind or intellect).
- Archimedes: A mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer.
- Aristophanes: A playwright known for his comedy plays.
- Aristotle: A philosopher and student of Plato, he made significant contributions to numerous fields.
- Democritus: A pre-Socratic philosopher best known for his atomic theory of the universe.
- Diogenes: A philosopher and one of the founders of Cynic philosophy.
- Euclid: A mathematician, often referred to as the “father of geometry.”
- Heraclitus: A pre-Socratic philosopher known for his doctrine of change being central to the universe.
- Herodotus: A historian, often called the “Father of History.”
- Hippocrates: A physician who is referred to as the “Father of Medicine.”
- Homer: The legendary author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, epic poems.
- Parmenides: A philosopher and a key figure in the development of metaphysics.
- Pericles: A prominent and influential statesman, orator, and general of Athens.
- Plato: A philosopher, student of Socrates, and writer of philosophical dialogues.
- Pythagoras: A philosopher and mathematician, best known for the Pythagorean theorem.
- Sappho: A poet, known for her lyric poetry, written to be sung with the accompaniment of a lyre.
- Socrates: A philosopher, known as one of the founders of Western philosophy.
- Sophocles: A playwright, known for his tragedies, such as Oedipus Rex.
- Thucydides: A historian and general, known for his history of the Peloponnesian War.
Greek Names for Cats
Are you looking for a Greek name that means cat? Here’s a peek at some of the Greek words that describe our feline friends:
- Gáta – Cat
- Kentiméno – Purr
- Kraugí – Meow (Note: This is a generic term for “cry” or “yell” and can be used to describe various animal sounds, including a cat’s meow.)
- Gatakí – Kitten
- Mitéra gáta – Mother cat
- Tabí gáta – Tabby cat
- Adéspoti gáta – Feral cat
- Arsenikí gáta or Tomkat – Tomcat
Place Names from Greece
Aegina – A picturesque island in the Saronic Gulf, the name evokes the beauty and tranquility of the island.
Argos – A city in Argolis, the Peloponnese, Greece. A short and classic name for a cat.
Athos – A mountain and peninsula in Northern Greece, it’s a strong, majestic name for a feline friend.
Chios – An island in the Aegean Sea.

Corfu – A beautiful Greek island.
Delos – A historical and mythological island in Greece, it’s a serene and short name for a cat.
Delphi – An ancient city known for its oracle, it could be a mystical name for a cat.
Evia – The second-largest Greek island.
Icaria – An island in the Aegean Sea.
Ios – A beautiful island in the Cyclades group, it’s a trendy and snappy name for a feline.
Kea – A Cycladic island.
Kos – An island in the southeastern Aegean Sea.
Larisa – A city in Thessaly, Central Greece.
Lesvos – An island located in the northeastern Aegean Sea.
Lindos – A historic site and town on the island of Rhodes.
Milos – A volcanic Greek island.
Naxos – The largest of the Cyclades island group, it’s a strong, bold name for a cat.
Olympia – An ancient site in Greece with a rich history, it can be a noble name for a cat.
Paros – An island in the central Aegean Sea.
Patra – A port city in western Greece.
Rhodes – An island famous for the Colossus.
Samos – An island in the eastern Aegean Sea.
Santorini – A popular tourist island, it could be a glamorous name for a cat.
Serifos – A beautiful island in the Aegean sea.
Sparta – An ancient city-state in Greece, this name is strong and brave.
Syros – An island of the Cyclades, it could be a simple and chic name for a cat.
Thasos – A northern Greek island.
Thebes – An ancient city in Greece, it’s a historic and strong name for a cat.
Thira – Another name for the island of Santorini.
Greek Boys’ Names
There’s a growing trend to name our fur babies with the same names as human babies. Here’s a look at some of the most popular Greek names for boys:
Achilles – Hero of the Trojan War, noted for his valor and invincibility, except for his heel.
Adonis – A figure in Greek mythology associated with beauty and desire, originally a Phoenician god.
Agapetos – Beloved or dear one.
Alexander – Defender of mankind, historically linked to Alexander the Great.
Alexis – Helper or defender, often associated with protection.
Andreas – Masculine, brave, named after the first-called of Jesus’ apostles.
Angelos – Messenger or angel, often signifies a messenger of God.
Anthimos – Flowery, blossoming.
Aristos – Best or excellent, signifies nobility or excellence in character.
Christos – Anointed one, associated with Jesus Christ in Christian theology.
Constantinos – Steadfast or constant, often relates to stability and determination.
Damianos – To tame or subdue, often signifies one who can control or master something.
Demetrios – Devoted to Demeter, the goddess of the harvest and agriculture. A good name for a farm cat!
Dionysios – Related to Dionysus, the god of wine, pleasure, and festivity.
Eleutherios – Free or liberator, signifies one who grants freedom or liberation.
Ermis – Named after Hermes, the messenger of the gods, signifies agility and grace.
Filippos – Lover of horses, denoting a bond or affinity with horses.
Georgios – Farmer or earthworker, relates to one who works the land.
Gregorios – Watchful or alert, signifies vigilance and attentiveness.
Iason – Healer, also known as Jason, the leader of the Argonauts in Greek mythology.
Ioannis – God is gracious, Greek form of John.
Konstantinos – Constant or steadfast, a variant of Constantinos.
Leonidas – Son of a lion, signifies strength and bravery.
Loukas – From Lucania, also associated with light, Greek form of Luke.
Menelaos – Withstanding the people, a figure in Greek mythology associated with the Trojan War.
Nikolaos – Victory of the people, signifies one who triumphs on behalf of the people.
Odysseus – The hero of Homer’s epic poem the Odyssey.
Orestes – Mountain dweller, a figure in Greek mythology who avenged his father’s death.
Panagiotis – All-holy, signifies someone who embodies holiness or sanctity.
Perikles – Very famous, a prominent and influential statesman of ancient Athens.
Petros – Stone or rock, signifies strength and steadfastness, Greek form of Peter.
Philemon – Affectionate or loving, often denotes one who is kind and affectionate.
Phillipos – A variant of Filippos, lover of horses.
Spyridon – Spirit or basket.
Stefanos – Crown or wreath, signifies royalty or victory, Greek form of Stephen.
Thanos – Immortal, a shortened form of Athanasios, which denotes immortality.
Theodoros – Gift of God, often signifies a divine gift or blessing.
Theophilos – Friend of God, signifies one who loves or is beloved by God.
Theron – Hunter, denotes one who hunts or is a great tracker.
Timotheos – Honoring God, signifies one who honors or venerates God.
Titos – Pleasing, also a figure in the New Testament known for his piety.
Vasilios – Kingly or royal, often denotes nobility or a royal demeanor.
Xenophon – Strange voice, an ancient Greek historian, soldier, and mercenary.
Yiorgos – A variant of Georgios, farmer or earthworker.
Yannis – A variant of Ioannis, God is gracious.
Zacharias – God has remembered, signifies the memory or remembrance of God.
Zephyros – West wind, also the god of the west wind known for bringing spring rains.
Zinon – Life, a variant of Zoe, often denotes vitality and life.
Zoticos – Life-giving, signifies one who grants or bestows life.
Greek Girls’ Names
Just like the human names for boys, here’s a look at some of the most common Greek names for girls:
Agathe – Good or honorable, derived from the word ‘agathos’.
Aglaia – Brightness or splendor, one of the three Graces in Greek mythology.
Aleka – A diminutive of Alexandra, defender of mankind.
Alexandra – Defender of mankind, feminine of Alexander.
Anastasia – Resurrection.
Andriana – Feminine form of Andreas, manly or brave.
Angelia – Messenger or angel.
Antigone – Derived from ‘anti’ indicating “against” and ‘gonia’ indicating “offspring”.
Ariadne – Most holy, known from Greek mythology as the daughter of King Minos.
Calliope – Beautiful voice, also the name of the muse of epic poetry.

Calista – Derived from ‘kalos’, beautiful.
Chara – Joy or happiness.
Chloe – Young green shoot, often associated with fertility and springtime.
Christina – Derived from ‘Christos’, anointed.
Clio – The name of the muse of history, glory.
Corinna – Maiden.
Cyrene – Named after a water nymph in Greek mythology.
Daphne – Laurel, a nymph in Greek mythology turned into a laurel tree.
Demi – Short for Demetra, the goddess of harvest and agriculture.
Despina – Derived from the lordly title Despoina, lady.
Dorothea – Gift of God, composed of ‘doron’ (gift) and ‘theos’ (God).
Eirene – Peace, also the name of the Greek goddess of peace.
Electra – Amber, also a famous character in Greek tragedy.
Eleni – Greek form of Helen, light or bright.
Elisavet – Greek version of Elizabeth, God is my oath.
Eugenia – Well-born or noble.
Euphemia – Well-spoken or to speak well.
Evangelia – Derived from ‘eu’ (good) and ‘angelma’ (tidings), commonly relates to the gospel or good news.
Fotini – Derived from ‘phos’, light, implies being full of light or illumination.
Georgia – Feminine form of Georgios, farmer or earthworker.
Hermione – Derived from Hermes, the messenger of the gods, signifies earthly.
Irene – Another form of Eirene, peace.
Iris – Named after the goddess of the rainbow, rainbow.
Isidora – Gift of Isis, Isis being an Egyptian goddess.
Katerina – Greek form of Katherine, pure.
Lydia – A name derived from the ancient region of Lydia in Asia Minor.
Melina – Derived from ‘meli’, honey.
Nicoletta – Feminine form of Nicholas, victory of the people.
Olympia – Named after Mount Olympus, the home of the gods, heavenly.
Penelope – Wife of Odysseus in the Odyssey, implies faithfulness and patience.
Persephone – The goddess of the underworld and springtime, bringer of destruction.
Phaedra – Bright or radiant.
Philippa – Female version of Philip, lover of horses.
Phoebe – Bright or pure, also a titan associated with the moon.
Sophia – Wisdom.
Thalia – To blossom or flourish, also the name of the muse of comedy and pastoral poetry.
Theodora – Gift of God.
Xanthe – Blonde or yellow.
Yanna – A diminutive of Ioanna, the Greek form of Joanna, God is gracious.
Zoe – Life.
Greek Pet Names
These Greek terms of endearment are used as pet names between loved ones–or maybe between you and your cat?
Agápi mou – My love
Agapité/Agapití – Dear (for male/female respectively)
Angeloudi mou – My little angel
Angeláki mou – My little angel (alternate form)
Akribé mou – My expensive/precious (used affectionately)
Asteráki mou – My little star
Glyké mou – My sweet
Glykoúla mou – My sweetheart
Zoí mou – My life
Kardiá mou – My heart
Karpúzi mou – My watermelon (a playful and cute term)
Koúkla mou – My doll (mostly used for females)
Kouklítsa mou – My little doll (an affectionate diminutive form)
Moráki mou – My baby (diminutive form)
Moró mou – My baby
Ourané mou – My sky
Paídí mou – My child (used affectionately towards loved ones)
Petalouda mou – My butterfly
Storgí mou – My affection
Tryferé mou – My tender (used affectionately)
Fotiá mou – My fire
Fos mou – My light
Chrysó mou – My gold
Chrysómalo mou – My golden-haired (a poetic term of endearment)
Chrysomálla mou – My golden-haired (a poetic term of endearment, alternative form)
Greek Food and Drink
Baklava – A sweet pastry made of layers of filo filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with syrup or honey.
Dolmadakia – Grape leaves stuffed with rice and herbs, sometimes including minced meat.
Fasolada – A traditional Greek bean soup, often considered the national food of Greece.
Frappe – A popular Greek iced coffee, made with instant coffee, water, and sugar, shaken to create a froth.
Gyro – A dish made from meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie, usually served with pita bread, tomatoes, onions, and a yogurt sauce.
Horiatiki – Also known as Greek salad, made with tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, and feta cheese. A fun named for a multi-colored cat!
Loukoumades – Deep-fried dough balls soaked in honey and sprinkled with cinnamon.
Loukoumi – A sweet, jelly-like confection, similar to Turkish delight.
Metaxa – A Greek brandy blended with wine and flavorings.
Moussaka – A layered dish made with eggplant, minced meat, and béchamel sauce.
Ouzo – A popular Greek liquor flavored with anise, often served as an aperitif.
Retsina – A traditional Greek resin-flavored wine.
Tiropita – A cheese-filled pastry, often made with a blend of cheeses wrapped in filo dough.
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