Are you looking for Spanish cat names for your new fur baby? We’ve rounded up the best names including some of the most popular Spanish names, names inspired by Spanish terms of endearment for the one who holds such a special place in your heart and even unique place names from Mexico that may spark the purrfect name for your new amigo or amiga!

Popular Spanish Cat Names: Female
There’s a growing trend to naming our cats with human names; here’s a look at some of the most popular Spanish names for girls:
- Abigail
- Abril
- Adriana
- Agustina
- Aitana
- Alejandra
- Alessandra
- Alexa
- Allison
- Alma
- Amanda
- Amelia
- Andrea
- Antonia
- Ariadna
- Ariana
- Ashley
- Bianca
- Camila
- Catalina
- Delfina
- Elena
- Emilia
- Fabiana
- Guadalupe
- Isabel
- Isabella
- Isidora
- Juana
- Juliana
- Julieta
- Lola
- Luana
- Lucia
- Luciana
- Magdalena
- Manuela
- María
- Martina
- Mía
- Natalia
- Paulina
- Regina
- Silvana
- Sofia
- Sophie
- Valentina
- Valeria
- Violeta
- Zoe
Popular Spanish Cat Names: Male
Here’s a look at some of the most popular Spanish names for boys. Is one of these a good fit for your new gato?
- Alejandro
- Alexander
- Alonso
- Andrés
- Antonio
- Axel
- Bruno
- Carlos
- Damián
- Dante
- Diego
- Elías
- Emilio
- Emmanuel
- Felipe
- Fernando
- Franco
- Gabriel
- Ignacio
- Jacobo
- Javier
- Jesús
- Joaquín
- Jorge
- Joshua
- Juan
- Julián
- Lorenzo
- Lucas
- Luis
- Manuel
- Mario
- Martín
- Mateo
- Matías
- Máximo
- Miguel
- Nicolás
- Pablo
- Pedro
- Rafael
- Ricardo
- Rodrigo
- Samuel
- Santiago
- Sergio
- Simón
- Tomas
- Valentino
- Vicente
Spanish Words Related to Cats
Want to name your cat with a Spanish word associated with cats–or a name that means cat? Here you go!
- Abisinio: (El Gato Abisinio) Abyssinian cat
- Bigotes: whiskers
- Bufido: hiss
- Cola: tail
- Garras: claws
- Gatino/Gatina: Kitten (masculine/feminine)
- Gato/Gata: Cat (masculine/feminine)
- Miau: meow
- Ojos: eyes, perfect for the cat with big eyes
- Pelaje: fur
- Persa: (El gato persa de pelo largo) Persian cat
- Ronroneo: purr
- Ruso: (El Gato Azul Ruso) Russian Blue cat
- Siamés: (El Gato Siamés Tradicional) Siamese cat
- Trino: trill
Spanish Pet Names for Female Cats

These Spanish terms of endearment make great female names–or a special nickname! You’ll see that many of these terms end in -ita, a diminutive for Spanish names and words that’s perfect for choosing a name for your girl cat.
- Alma: Soul. “Mi alma” is a special term of endearment to show how much she means to you.
- Amada: Darling
- Amiga: Friend
- Angelita: Little angel
- Azucar: Sugar
- Bebé: Baby
- Bella: Beautiful
- Cariña: Sweetie or honey
- Cariñita: Sweetie
- Chata: An endearing term for someone with a snug nose, like a Persian!
- Chela: Blonde
- Chiqui: Tiny. Pronounced “cheekee.”
- Chiquita: Tiny or Little Girl
- Chula: Pretty
- Dulzura: Sweetness
- Enana: short or little girl
- Estrella: Star
- Gatito/Gatita: Kitten
- Guapa: Beautiful
- Hermosa: Gorgeous
- Jefa (“hefa”): Boss
- Loba: Wolf but also used as a nickname for one who is sly
- Mamita: Little mother, perfect for the pregnant cat you are adopting or looking for a home for
- Mariposa: Butterfly
- Mija: My daughter
- Muñeca: Doll
- Nena: Little Girl or Darling
- Niña: Girl
- Preciosa: Precious
- Prima: Cousin or close friend
- Princesa: Princess
- Reina: Queen
- Rubia: Nickname for a girl with blonde hair
- Sirenita: Little Mermaid
- Tia: Aunt (or used for close friend in Spain)
- Vida: Mi Vida or My Life, to show your new cat just how much they mean to you.
- Vieja: My old lady, perfect for the newly-adopted senior cat
Spanish Pet Names for Male Cats

These Spanish pet names also make equally good male Spanish cat names. Just like kitty and other “ie”-sound words in English, adding -ito turns a Spanish word or name into a diminutive, perfect name for a boy.
- Adoro: Adore
- Amigo: Friend
- Angelito: Little Angel
- Bebé: Baby
- Bello: Handsome
- Bombón: From chocolate, but used as an endearment like Sweetie.
- Bonito: Handsome
- Cariño: Sweetie
- Cariñito: Sweetie
- Chavo: Dude
- Chiquito: Little boy
- Chulo: Handsome
- Cielo: Literally “sky” but “Mi Cielo” is used as a term of endearment.
- Corazón: Literally “heart” but used like sweetheart.
- Guapo: Handsome
- Hermoso: Handsome
- Jefe (“hefe”): Boss
- Mijo: My son
- Muñeco: Doll
- Nené: Little Boy or Darling
- Niño: Boy
- Primo: Cousin or close friend
- Príncipe: “Prince”
- Rey: “King” or Mi Rey is a favorite nickname for boyfriends and husbands–or the cat who reigns over your heart.
- Sol: Sun, for the sunshine of your life.
- Tesoro: Treasure
- Tio: Uncle (or used like Dude in Spain)
- Viejo: My old man, for the newly-adopted senior cat
Spanish Names from Common Nicknames
As they’ve moved into more and more aspects of our lives, it has become a real trend to use human names for our cat now. These nicknames make cute cat names:
- Alejo: Alex
- Beto: Albert or Robert
- Calu: Claudia
- Chejo: Sergio
- Chepe: Joseph, Jose
- Chofo: Rudolph
- Fonsi: Frank or Alfonso
- Jano: Alexander
- Juampa: John Paul
- Kiko: Frederick
- Lalo: Edward
- Lena: Magdalena
- Leti: Leticia
- Licha: Alica
- Lola: Dolores
- Luchi: Lucy
- Lucho: Louis
- Lupe: Guadalupe
- Meme: Manuel
- Paco: Frank
- Pancho: Frank
- Pepe: Joseph
- Memo: William
- Mingo: Domingo
- Monchi: Raymond
- Nacho: Ignacio
- Nando: Ferdinand or Fernando
- Paquita: Frances
- Pepita: Josephine
- Quique: Henry
- Tita: Martha
Mexican Celebrities and Historic Figures
- Anahi (singer)
- Benito (President Benito Juárez)
- Diego (artist Diego Rivera)
- Frida (artist Frida Kahlo)
- Gael (actor Gael García Bernal)
- Junaga (singer-songwriter Juan Gabriel)
- Kat (rescue cat mom, rescue advocate and fashion’s Kat Von D )
- Lupita (actress Lupita Nyong’o)
- Lucero (singer)
- Ricardo (actor Ricardo Montalbán)
- Salma (actress Salma Hayek)
- Thalía (singer)
- Toro (producer Guillermo del Toro)
Mexican Music Styles that Make Cool Cat Names

- Banda
- Corrido
- Grupera
- Mariachi
- Nortec
- Norteño
- Ranchera
- Tejano
Place Names that Make Great Mexican Cat Names

- Acapulco
- Cabo (Cabo San Lucas)
- Cancun
- Carmen (Playa del Carmen)
- Concho: The Conchos River winds through the state of Chihuahua; Concho means shell in Spanish.
- Isla (Isla Mujeres–Literally “island,” Isla is the name of one of our dogs!)
- Itza (Chichen Itza. Itza means water magicians.)
- Maza (Mazatlan)
- Morelia
- Oaxaca
- Pacifico: Meaning Pacific or “peaceful,” the Chihuahua al Pacifico railway linked the popular Copper Canyon to the rest of the world.
- Piedra: Chihuahua’s Piedra Volada (Flying Stone) Falls are one of the highest waterfalls in Mexico. Piedra — or stone — can describe the rock-solid devotion your cat shows to your family.
- Sierra: The Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range (which further north includes the Rocky Mountains) runs through the state of Chihuahua. Sierra–or mountain range– is a feminine name used to denote strength, just like the fortitude seen in your furry family member.
- Tulum
- Yuca (Yucatan. Yuca means yucca.)
Pin It to Remember these Spanish Cat Names!

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