We know that your love for your new cat is just out of this world. We’ve fetched moon names for cats from moons across our solar systems, popular culture, boy’s and girl’s names that mean moon and much more!

Most Popular Moon Name: Luna
The name “Luna” has its origins in Latin, where it means “moon.” It is also the name of the Roman goddess of the moon, who is equivalent to the Greek goddess Selene. It’s a name that evokes imagery of the night sky and has a mystical and enchanting quality to it.
Over the years, the name Luna has gained popularity as a given name for girls due to the popularity of Luna in the Harry Potter series.
Words that Describe the Moon
- Blue Moon (a fun name for a Russian Blue–or a cat with blue eyes!)
- Celestial
- Crescent
- Earthshine
- Eclipse
- Full Moon
- Gibbous
- Luna (definitely the most popular moon names for cats!)
- Lunar
- Lunation (a complete cycle of moon phases)
- Orb
- Perigee (the point where the moon is closest in its orbit around the earth)
- Syzygean (pronounced sih-zih-jee, this is the alignment of the sun, earth and moon)
- Waning and Waxing (a fun set of names if you are adopting two kittens!)
Moon in Mythology Names
- Artemis: The Greek goddess of the hunt, wilderness and much more, Artemis is considered a lunar diety.
- Cynthia: Another name for the Greek goddess Selene, Cynthia means one who is from Mount Cynthus.
- Diana: The Roman goddess of the moon.
- Luna: the Roman embodiment of the moon; Luna means moon in Latin.
- Máni: From the Old Norse word for moon, Máni is the personification of the moon in Germanic mythology and the brother of Sol.
- Mene: Another name for the Greek goddess Selene, Mene means month.
- Selene: The Greek goddess of the moon, Selene means brightness or gleam.
Monthly Full Moon Names
Select a name based on your cat’s adoption month or birth month. Like selecting an astrology cat name, these can be a fun way to select a unique name for your new kitty.
- January: Wolf Moon, Spirit Moon
- February: Snow Moon, Bear Moon
- March: Full Worm Moon (OK, that one might be a stretch), Sugar Moon
- April: Pink Moon, Frog Moon
- May: Flower Moon, Planting Moon
- June: Strawberry Moon, Birth Moon
- July: Buck Moon, Thunder Moon
- August: Sturgeon Moon, Corn Moon
- September: Harvest Moon, Autumn Moon
- October: Hunters Moon, Ice Moon
- November: Beaver Moon, Freezing Moon
- December: Cold Moon, Winter Maker Moon
Moons of Other Planets & Asteroids
- Apollo: Besides the name of the NASA lunar missions, Apollo is also used to describe “any of a class of asteroids having an orbit that extends from inside to beyond the earth’s orbit.”
- Belinda: One of the later discovered moons of Uranus was named for a character in Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock.
- Bianca: A moon of Uranus named for a character in Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew.
- Charon: The largest moon of Pluto.
- Cressida: This Uranus moon is named for a character in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida.
- Cupid: This small moon of Uranus named for a character in the Shakespeare play Timon of Athens wasn’t discovered until 2003. A fun name for a tiny cat!
- Deimos: This Mars moon is named for Deimos, the Greek personification of dread and terror.
- Desdemona: This Uranus moon is named for the wife of the title character in Shakespeare’s play Othello.
- Dione: A moon of Saturn, Dione is named for the Titaness Dione.
- Europa: Discovered by Galileo, this moon of Jupiter is named for Europa, the mythical mother of King Minos.
- Hydra: This moon of Pluto is named for the multi-headed serpent of Greek mythology.
- Io: The third-largest moon of Jupiter is named for the mythological priestess Io.
- Janus: One of the moons of Saturn, Janus is named for the Roman god of time and transitions.
- Juliet: More than just the heroine of Romeo and Juliet, this Juliet is a moon of Uranus.
- Linus: Linus is the name of a moon of the asteroid Kalliope. Linus is the son of Apollo in Greek mythology (and for 15 years was the name of one our dear cats!)
- Nix: This moon of Pluto was named for the Greek goddess of the night.
- Oberon: This Uranus moon was named for the king of the fairies in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
- Perdita: Perdita, Latin for lost, is a moon of Uranus. Perdita was named for a character in Shakespeare’s A Winter’s Tale
- Phobos: This moon orbits Mars in less than 8 hours, a fun name for a speedy kitten!
- Portia: This Uranus moon is named for the heroine of The Merchant of Venice.
- Rhea: the second largest moon of Saturn.
- Rosalind: This character in Shakespeare’s play As You Like It lent her name to one of the moons of Uranus.
- Styx: A small moon of Pluto.
- Tethys: Also known as Saturn III, the Saturn moon Tethys is named for a Titan goddess and the mother of the river gods.
- Titan: the largest moon of Saturn.
- Titania: As you might guess by its name, Titania is the largest moon of Uranus and the 8th largest moon in the solar system; it was named for the queen of fairies in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Cats of Sailor Moon
If you are a fan of anime or manga, you are familiar with the wildly-popular Sailor Moon series. The series follows a schoolgirl who can transform into Sailor Moon.
- Luna: The black cat Luna gives the schoolgirl a brooch which allows her to become Sailor Moon. She and the other cat characters have the power of speech and serve as advisors.
- Artemis: This white cat, along with Luna, lived on the Moon Kingdom.
- Diana: The youngest of the three cat characters, gray cat Diana was born on earth.
Names that Mean Moon

- Amaris: This Spanish name means child of the moon.
- Ayla: This Turkish name means the circle of light around the moon.
- Aylin: This Turkish name means “moon halo.”
- Badr and Badru: This Arabic name for boys and girls means full moon.
- Candra: This Sanskrit name means “glowing” or “shining,” a reference to the moon.
- Esmeray: Pronounced Esme-rye, this Turkish name means dark moon.
- Hala: This Arabic name refers to the halo around the moon.
- Mahina: This Hawaiian girls’ name means “moon.
- Máni: The Norse personification of the moon.
- Marama: This Maori name means “moon.”
- Mona: Old English word for moon
- Monday: This day of the week is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “moon’s day.”
- Neoma: This Greek name means “new moon.”
- Purnima: This Sanskrit name means “full moon.”
- Qamar: This Arabic name for girls and boys means moon or moonlight.
- Sasi: This Indian girl’s name means moon, derived from a Sanskrit word for moon.
Moon in Various Languages
- Alqamar: Arabic
- Lluna: Catalan
- Måne: Danish
- Maan: Dutch
- Luno: Esperanto
- Kuu: Finnish
- Lune: French
- Mond: German
- Mahina: Hawaiian
- Tungl: Icelandic
- Dal: Korean
- Qamar: Maltese
- Marama: Maori
- Gealach: Scottish Gaelic
The cat went here and there
“The Cat and the Moon,” W. B. Yeats
And the moon spun round like a top,
And the nearest kin of the moon,
The creeping cat, looked up.
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