Do you love cats AND birds? If so, you might be interested in our whole flock of bird names for cats.
We literally live in a bird preserve–so we’re always aware of the birds just outside our doors. Our cats love watching the birds from their catio and the many window perches in our house; the catio keeps our cats safely inside and away from coyotes and other risks and keep the birds safe as well. Our cats are very good little birdwatchers!

Cute Bird Names for Cats
Big Bird: for the full-figured cat–or the yellow cat!
Bird or Birdie: Birdie is a longtime nickname with English and Swedish roots.
Bryd: This English surname is pronounced like Bird but gives your cat a little extra panache.
Chicky: You might be thinking of chickens with this cute bird name but it’s actually a nickname for the Spanish girl’s name Chiquita, which means little girl.
Chirpy: Along with a bird’s chirps, this nickname is also used for upbeat people–or the happy kitten with a positive vibe.
Foghorn Leghorn: This Looney Tunes cartoon rooster was a real talker–perhaps a suitable name for a Siamese who has a lot on his mind!
Ducky or Duckie: Both an affectionate term for ducks and a word meaning pleasing or delightful.
Polly: In your case, Polly doesn’t want a cracker–she wants catnip! Polly means “star of the sea.”
Pretty Boy: We all think of parrots saying “pretty boy” but this makes a fun cat name as well!
Tweety: Because we all love Tweety Bird.
Hawk and Eagle Related Names
Adler: This German name means eagle.
Aquila: From Latin, this name means eagle. It’s also a Biblical name and the name of a constellation.
Arno: Like Arnold, this name (which is also the name of the river that passes through Florence, Italy) means eagle.
Arnold: This name is derived from an Old German word for eagle.
Gavin: This Welsh name means white hawk–perhaps a fun white cat name?
Hawkins: This name means little hawk.
Talon: The large claws of birds of prey have lent their name to this baby’s name–which just might be an appropriate name for the kitten whose claws seem more like talons!
Names that Mean Bird
Ava: This girl’s name means birdlike.
Bertrand: Derived from two German words, this name means bright raven.
Bran: Typically a male Welsh name, Bran means raven.
Callum: This boy’s name is derived from a Scottish word for dove.
Crawford: This Scottish name means a ford where Crows gather.
Culver: This male name is derived from an Old English word that means dove.
Fiachra: This Irish name (which is used as a male name, although we think it would be a beautiful female cat name, too) is from an Irish legend. Fiachra was the son of King Lir and was turned into a swan. This legend became the basis for the Swan Lake ballet.
Halcyon: This name that means calm comes from the name of a mythological sea bird.
Jena: With Arabic origins, Jena means little bird.
Linette: With French roots, this female name means a small songbird.
Mavis: Mavis traces its origins to French; this name means songbird.
Muriel and Merle: These names are derived from the Latin word for blackbird.
Paloma: Paloma is a girl’s name that means dove.
Sequoia: You may think of the massive trees when you hear this name, but this Native American name means sparrow.
Vega: This names is derived from Arabic and means swooping eagle.
Zamir: This Hebrew name can mean songbird or nightingale.
Bird Names from the Movies
Birds have long played a big part both in songs and movies; here’s a look at some of avian movie stars that might inspire a great cat name:
Archimedes: Merlin’s wise pet owl in The Sword in the Stone.
Blu: A Spix’s macaw, a now extinct species, the movie Rio.
Bubo: This mechanical owl in the Clash of the Titans, Bubo is the genus name for owls.
Hedwig: Harry Potter‘s Snowy Owl.
Iago: The parrot in the Disney movie Aladdin.
Jareth the Goblin King: Jareth begins as an owl in Labyrinth but then transforms into David Bowie.
Jewel: A Spix’s macaw character voiced by Anne Hathaway in the movie Rio.
Longclaw: The owl in the Sonic the Hedgehog films.
Nico: A yellow canary in Rio, the name Nico means victory of the people. (You could also spell this Neko–the Japanese word for cat.)
Nigel: A cockatoo in Rio.
Pigwidgeon: The name of Ron Weasley’s owl in the Harry Potter series, Pigwidgeon means small.
Rafael: A toucan in Rio.
Rocko: A penguin voiced by James Belushi in the The Pebble and the Penguin.
Scuttle: The gull in The Little Mermaid.
Did you know there’s a bird species named the Catbird?
They’re named for their call–which sounds like a cat’s meow!
Bird Species Names that Make Good Cat Names
Dove or Dovey: for the tranquil cat.
Heron: The name for this tall bird means hero.
Myna: for the cat that talks every time you say a word.
Swan: for the graceful cat.
Zenaida: The name of Zenaida doves, the name Zenaida means “life of Zeus.”
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