The elegant Abyssinian cat is is known for its distinctive ticked or agouti coat. Learn more about adopting an Abyssinian cat.

Aegean Cat
You might have guessed that the Aegean Cat originated in Greece, and you’d be right! Found in the Cycladic Islands (located in the Aegean Sea), this breed developed naturally and is one of the world’s oldest domestic cat breeds. In the 1990s, cat fanciers began to formally develop the breed, which is usually white and one or two other colors.

American Bobtail
With its naturally-occurring bobbed tail, the American Bobtail is easy to identify! Originating with a single bobtail individual named Yodie found in Arizona, Yodie was crossed with a Siamese to begin the breed which is today known as the American Bobtail. (Crossing Yodie with a Siamese and resulting in bobtail kittens also showed that the bobtail gene Yodie harbored was dominant, not recessive as in the unrelated Japanese Bobtail Cat.)
Alpine Lynx
American Lynx Cat
American Polydactyl

American Curl
American Ringtail

American Shorthair
The American Shorthair cat is believed to be descended from British cats who began emigrating to the New World with the early pioneers. They were carried on board ship to kill the rats that were a constant menace, eating the precious food supplies and spreading disease. History records that cats even came along on the Mayflower.

American Wirehair

Aphrodite Giant

Arabian Mau
Asian (also called Malayan)

Asian Semi-longhair
Also known as Tiffanie or Tiffany cats, the Asian Semi-longhair was developed in the United Kingdom as a longer haired version of the Asian cat.
Australian Mist
Originally called the Spotted Mist because of their spots, the name was changed to the Australian Mist when marbled coats were accepted in the breed standard. Developed in Australia in the 1970s, the Australian Mist was created by crossing the Abyssinian cat, the Burmese cat and Australian Tabby cat.
Australian Tiffanie
Explore More Cat Breeds from A-Z
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