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Simon’s Cat Logic Explains Cat Love

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As fans of felines we’ve all seen the squee-worthy sight of cats canoodling, but do kittens actually become smitten? Thanks to the latest video of Simon’s Cat Logic, featuring Simon’s Cat cartoonist Simon Tofield and Cats Protection behavior expert Nicky Trevorrow, we find out if cats can be romantically drawn to each other.

While felines do feel affection and can form a strong bond with another cat, romance is not in a cat’s nature. When it comes to procreation our purring pals are not particular about their partners, and when an unaltered female cat (known as a queen) is in season she will seek out her ‘king’ by caterwauling.

These multiple feline flings (which, for the female, can begin when she is as young as four months old) can lead to the heartache of unplanned pregnancies, with one cat often bearing babies by several different partners. One unaltered female cat can be responsible for as many as 20,000 kittens over the course of just five years.

The best way that a pet parent can show their dogged devotion to their kitty companion is by getting their cat spayed or neutered. Not only with the procedure help to curb pet overpopulation, it will also reduce their urge to prowl, help to stop spraying, and even aid in the prevention of certain cancers.

The ongoing series of Simon’s Cat Logic videos is made in partnership with Cats Protection. The UK’s leading cat welfare charity, Cats Protection provided comfort and care to more than 205,000 cats and kittens in need in 2014 alone at the organization’s 32 adoption centers and over 250 volunteer-oprated branches.

Along with a lesson about cat comportment in the love department, watch as Simon’s Cat gets starry-eyed over his gal pal Chloe in the following video. Also, be sure to check out the previous Simon’s Cat Logic video which explains the reason why cats can get a sudden case of the zooms:

Photo Credit: Simon’s Cat

Grace Sydney
This post originally appeared on and is the sole property of CatTipper and LT Media Group LLC.